
Obsessed with Obsessors


-Yanderes and Monsters -NSFW -If you are under 18 please move along

Ask/Request Info

Asks/requests are currently CLOSED, be warned it can take me a long time to get to them. If your request includes things I love/like to write (listed below) I will likely get to it quicker. I am willing to write requests without content from my love/like list, but I may get to it more slowly. I will not write content from my absolutely not list.  What characters I write: I typically write male yandere monsters paired with gender neutral or male readers. I will usually default female reader requests to gender neutral because I have no experience and less interest with that anatomy.  Also, I do not mind writing yandere humans and non-yandere monsters and will try to add in more of that content soon. What kinks I love to write: -Obsessive/possessive behavior -Exophilia -Teratophilia -Musk/Scent -A/B/O -Biting -Non-con/Dub-con -Sweet Delusional Yanderes What kinks I like to write: -Breeding  -Overstimulation  -Feminization  -Aggressive/Slightly Violent Yanderes -Dacryphilia  -Urine Marking (Watersports in general to a lesser degree)     What content I absolutely will NOT write: -Fem Reader -Underage (Unless platonic) -Scat -Foot Fetish -Vomit fetish -Chastity fetish Fandoms I write for: To Be Decided My friend made a masterlist of all my fics, except the fem reader ones, which can be found HERE. Tips: My Paypal Don’t feel obligated to tip me, but if you want to it would help me out greatly, I am a live-in aide for an elderly woman and this is my only income. 

Anonymous asked:

I have these AMAZING Portuguese Nasturtiums… I took a clipping while hiking there, kept it in a water bottle for a week, then brought it back to the US where I grew the clipping. It’s crazy now.

All my nasturtiums died due to the extreme heat this year and little amount of rain


What if we were snuggled up on the couch and taking turns playing rounds of Plants vs Zombies on my phone? 🥺

Haha... jk

Unless... 😳

Anonymous asked:

Most sites have been making it to where if your state is one of those states, they just redirect you to another website, or just won't give you access. It sucks, man.

Yeah, pornhub is a big one.

Anonymous asked:

Why does it sound like you’re either a regular cashier or an assassin 💀💀


Anonymous asked:

How much do you make a month?

20 to 60 a month. It really varies.

Anonymous asked:

They got Georgia, two weeks ago, with age verification. Luckily vpn exists.

Apparently it is up to 19 states. No one wants their ID linked to kinky shit.


Porn sites in KY now require an ID to be presented before you can access them.

Anonymous asked:

What's your favourite type of flower and why?

Mines Poppies because it represents Eternal Sleep and I like sleeping

Pretty tied for celosias, nasturtiums, and sunflowers.

Nasturtiums would win for their beauty but are soooo hard to grow.

Anonymous asked:

I want to bully Simon until he cries and/or cums in his pants.

Would be easy tbh.

Anonymous asked:

I would absolutely die for you pookie, marry me? 💍💍💍 (One is a cock ring uwu)

Sure, why not?

No cock ring tho.



Male Yandere x Gender Neutral Reader

CW: Noncon, sick reader, fever, underwear sniffing, underwear stealing, breaking in, imminent future kidnapping, general yandere behavior

Word Count: 566

(Silly idea that popped in my head, was originally only going to be a couple hundred words, sorry it was so delayed. Got really busy plus my hand hurt for a few days. I hope you guys love it 🥺)


Hello remember my cat

We change her name Risu

It means squirrel in Japanese

(My older sister was calling her squirrel so i just changed her name to Risu)


The name suits her. Such a cutie!

Anonymous asked:

Hello! I'm looking for a fic which I think you did, where the reader is a vampire and the yandere makes them addicted to their blood, also love your work! Keep up the great work and have a good rest of your day

The fic can be found HERE


Nintendo online is such a fucking scam.

People say it is so affordable and it costs them money to upkeep the servers 🥺

Uh... no. The games are peer to peer. You are paying to use your own wi-fi.

I cant play animal crossing, dont starve, monster hunter, or pokemon with anyone because I cant afford to use my own wi-fi.

It's gross. And they know it's gross! For over a year switch online play was free.

"I don't think its reasonable to make someone pay for a game and then make them prepare a network connection and charge a monthly fee." -Satoru Iwata, former president of Nintendo.

There's a reason why they waited for Satoru Iwata to pass away before implementing this.


"I wouldn't have picked vice president Trump if i didn't think she was qualified to be president" -Genocide Joe

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