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Questions tagged [firebase]

Firebase is a serverless platform for unified development of applications for mobile devices and for the web.

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Framework backend para arquitectura de microservicios con Flutter y Dart [closed]

Necesito ayuda para elegir el backend o Roadmap del Fullstack para una aplicación móvil con Flutter. Actualmente en el frontend ocuparé Flutter y backend Firebase, pero en el backend no sé que ...
Basthian Alejandro Araya Allen's user avatar
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React Native Firestore useEffect Fetch Issue with where Clause and Pagination

I am working on a React Native project that uses Firestore to fetch a list of services. I am trying to fetch services with a price greater than or equal to 70 and implement pagination using Firestore'...
Hristo Ivanov's user avatar
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Testing provider in flutter which depends on Firebase

I am trying the following test: @GenerateMocks([Tour]) void main() { group('TripProvider', () { test('add Trip', () async { final mockTrip = MockTour(); TripProvider provider = ...
Arnob's user avatar
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Distinguishing Firestore Snapshot Listener 'REMOVE' Event Reasons in Query

I have a snapshot listener for a query like this: firestore .collection("...") .whereEqualTo("available", true) .orderBy("sort", Query.Direction.DESCENDING) ...
Dark White's user avatar
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Can't build fultterfire_cli using Firebase CLI

I'm trying to Add Firebase to Flutter. I logged in to Firebase and it's Ok. When I execute this line : > dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli It gives me this error: Failed to build ...
Gamal Othman's user avatar
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can't assign docs of nested query firebase collection to a List<class>

I'm have been trying to get all data of collection a and subcollection b and insert them into a List of model to use that list later to show data in a ListView builder , problems are: 1- I can't get ...
fyry J4's user avatar
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I'm encountering an issue with my Next.js application where a POST request to an API route results in a 404 error. Here are the details of my setup:

I'm encountering an issue with my Next.js application where a POST request to an API route results in a 404 error. Here are the details of my setup: /src /app /api /addroute route....
mohamed amin's user avatar
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A newly deployed on Firebase site accused of phishing

I have created a simple Nuxt 3 web app to test some libraries (i18n, VueUse, nuxt-viewport). This web app uses a firebase functions for SSR and I followed the instructions from the next Medium article:...
Alex Pilugin's user avatar
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Facing problem with angular 17 and firebase

when i try add package in my angular 17 application, it can't install the package. it always show this error given below. ng add @angular/fire Skipping installation: Package already installed UPDATE ...
user26393343's user avatar
-1 votes
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Profile header not showing ( user not found ) error

so i have created a instagram clone in which i go to the profile section its saying user not found but in my code when i remove the "finally" block its showing only the skeleton but it ...
Kaushik shaw's user avatar
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probleme push notification on android and edge function [closed]

I come to you because I have a problem with push notifications on Android, I work with supabase, expo, react native. I created an edge function on Supabase which triggers an API call to expo when we ...
bensghost's user avatar
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Implement HCE using NFC tech for the RavKav (calypso) card in this app [closed]

problem is how to add this functionality for users that they add their Rav-Kav(calypso cards ) I try to find API or library but I couldn't find any resources on the internet if you know any about ...
Lokesh Arora's user avatar
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How to differentiate when to use relational databases and real time databases? [closed]

I want to implement a database for a software development project I am working on. I want to figure out whether I should use a relational database and a real time database. I tried using MySQL and I ...
Shanaya Hassen's user avatar
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ValueError: JSON string "{" is not valid json [closed]

I have a serviceAccountKey.json file with the following code { "type": "service_account", "project_id": "...", "private_key_id": "...&...
Aakash Kothari's user avatar
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How can I update/create multiple documents in a collection in firebase?

I'm trying to use a default collection in firebase that a user can overwrite with their own values and save elsewhere. I have a default collection from which the initial values will be drawn, and have ...
Apersu's user avatar
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