Welcome to X’s CCPA Center

The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA), which grants California residents new rights with respect to the collection and sale of their personal information, will go into effect on January 1, 2020.  To learn more about the CCPA and how it impacts people, you can visit California Attorney General CCPA homepage.

X’s approach to CCPA

X believes that everyone who uses our services, wherever they may reside, should understand and have meaningful controls over what data we collect about them, how it is used, and when it is shared.  X’s approach to the CCPA is no different. We have made some updates to our Privacy Policy which will go into effect on January 1, 2020. You can find out more detail about these updates in this blog post. These updates are designed to help people understand how we work to give them transparency and tools to ensure they have meaningful controls over what data we collect about them, how it is used, and when it is shared. 

You can read our CCPA ready Data Processing Addendum (DPA).
Read our FAQs below, which include more details on CCPA.

CCPA Metrics Report

X believes that everyone who uses our services, wherever they may reside, should understand and have meaningful controls over what data we collect about them, how it is used, and when it is shared. 

As described in X’s Privacy Policy and our X Privacy Center, we provide our users with a variety of tools to exercise their privacy rights and change their privacy settings whenever they want. 

Listed below are aggregate CCPA metrics for 2023. 

CCPA 2023 Transparency Report Metrics

Request Type

Number of Requests

Average Days to Respond

Requests Completed

Requests Denied

Number of Requests


Average Days to Respond


Requests Completed


Requests Denied


Number of Requests


Average Days to Respond


Requests Completed


Requests Denied


Request Type

Requests to Correct (via contacting X**)

Number of Requests


Average Days to Respond


Requests Completed


Requests Denied


Request Type

Requests to Delete (via contacting X**)

Number of Requests


Average Days to Respond


Requests Completed


Requests Denied


Request Type

Requests to Know (via contacting X**)

Number of Requests


Average Days to Respond


Requests Completed


Requests Denied



* Data for U.S.-based users

** Data for users identifying themselves as California residents

*** The request was not verifiable based on the information provided