

Transports routiers de fret

Puteaux, Île-de-France 262 114 abonnés

Bolloré: entrepreneurship, our company’s trademark

Every employee of the Bolloré Group is part of a human, international, entrepreneurial and family adventure. At Bolloré, you are encouraged to express yourself, suggest ideas, take a proactive approach and really make a difference: our trademark is the spirit of enterprise. Every project leader can fully realize their potential in teams driven by development and innovation: we value courage, autonomy and agility.

Join us on this adventure!

You are in the driving seat of your development and career

Joining Bolloré means being part of a pioneering, sustainable group that has successfully risen to the challenges faced over the last two centuries. You have access to a wide range of positions and careers thanks to our diverse portfolio of activities and international presence, particularly notable in Africa. If you enjoy working in a stimulating environment in close contact with international realities that demand initiative, then Bolloré is made for you!

Discover our diverse range of activities

Creating value and developing bounds between people and their environment

Anticipating and responding to our customers' expectations while reducing risks related to our business ethics, protecting our human capital while enacting a social policy that helps build long-term relationships, preserving the treasures of our environment while investing in the development of innovative products and services, playing an active part in the development of our society and the regions where we operate are all factors that will help create value in the future. Join the team!

Find out more about the Group's commitments

Photos de l’entreprise

  • Photo de Bolloré no. 1
  • Photo de Bolloré no. 2
  • Photo de Bolloré no. 3
  • Photo de Bolloré no. 4

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