Define a favicon to show in search results

If your site has a favicon, it can be included in Google Search results for your site.



Here's how to make your site eligible for a favicon in Google Search results:

  1. Create a favicon that follows the guidelines.
  2. Add a <link> tag to the header of your home page with the following syntax:
    <link rel="icon" href="/path/to/favicon.ico">

    To extract the favicon information, Google relies on the following attributes of the link element:


    Google supports the following rel attribute values for specifying a favicon; use whichever one fits your use case:


    The icon that represents your site, as defined in the HTML standard.


    An iOS-friendly icon that represents your site, per Apple's developer documentation.


    An alternative icon for earlier versions of iOS, per Apple's developer documentation.


    The URL of the favicon. The URL can be a relative path (/smile.ico) or absolute path (

  3. Google looks for and updates your favicon whenever it crawls your home page. If you make changes to your favicon and want to inform Google about the changes, you can request indexing of your site's home page. Updates can take a few days or longer to appear in search results.


You must follow these guidelines to be eligible for a favicon in Google Search results.

  • Google Search only supports one favicon per site, where a site is defined by the hostname. For example, and are two different hostnames, and therefore can have two different favicons. However, is a subdirectory of a site, and you can only set one favicon for, which applies to the site and its subdirectories.
    Supported: (this is a domain-level home page)
    Supported: (this is a subdomain-level home page)
    Not supported: (this is a subdirectory-level home page)
  • The favicon file must be crawlable by Googlebot-Image and the home page by Googlebot; they cannot be blocked for crawling.
  • To help people quickly identify your site when they scan through search results, make sure your favicon is visually representative of your website's brand.
  • Your favicon must be a multiple of 48px square, for example: 48x48px, 96x96px, 144x144px and so on (or SVG with a 1:1 (square) aspect ratio). Any valid favicon format is supported.
  • The favicon URL must be stable (don't change the URL frequently).
  • Google won't show any favicon that it deems inappropriate, including pornography or hate symbols (for example, swastikas). If this type of imagery is discovered within a favicon, Google replaces it with a default icon.