Impact Hero

Impact Hero


Impact products that regenerate the world


Impact Hero is a Berlin-based impact-tech company that helps businesses achieve and communicate positive impact through integrating impact products such as tree planting, plastic collection and coral reef restoration into their business & engaging key stakeholders. Our purpose is to secure a fair future for Planet A and humanity through solving global social and environmental challenges as outlined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with the belief that businesses can serve as multipliers for positive impact. GROW MY TREE is an initiative of Impact Hero that is focused on tree planting. We’ve planted over 2.6 million trees so far, created more than 26.000 days of work, and partnered with over 600 companies that are committed to positive impact. Let's continue this impactful journey.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Tree Planting, Environmental Awareness, Tree Gifting, Social Impact, Transparency, Climate Tech, B2B Solutions, Sustainability Solutions, Sustainable Development, SDG, Sustainable Development Goals, Plastic collection, Reef restoration, Grow a tree, Climate change, ESG, Sustainability consulting, CSR und Sustainability


Beschäftigte von Impact Hero


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    Unternehmensseite von Daidream anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today, we are super proud to highlight our meaningful partnership with Impact Hero! 🌳 Our collaboration was prominently featured during our recent launch events in Zagreb & Vukovar, where each guest got an opportunity to plant a tree in the Global South. This was a symbolic gesture of our shared dedication to combating climate change and empowering local communities. 🌍 Impact Hero has already planted over 2.6 million trees and forged partnerships with more than 600 companies through their GROW MY TREE initiative! Just amazing! Beyond tree planting, they lead initiatives in plastic collection, coral reef restoration, education sponsorship, biodiversity conservation, regenerative agriculture, and carbon sequestration. At Daidream, we are honored to collaborate with Impact Hero - united in our commitment to driving positive change and advancing sustainable practices globally. #Daidream #ImpactHero #Partnership #BetterFuture #GrowMyTree #Sustainability #ClimateAction #CorporateResponsibility #TalesofMello

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    Meet Edna Lucas, an #impacthero of Sunga Village, actively involved in tree planting 🌳 Through this project at the Shagayu Forest Reserve, Edna and many other women, especially single mothers and breadwinners, have found a valuable source of income to support their families. "This tree planting activity has boosted us with the ability to start several small business activities, rejuvenated from the income we received after offering our service in the tree planting activity at Shagayu Forest Reserve," ~ Edna 💚 Let's celebrate Edna Lucas and other women like her, who are not only protecting the environment but also building a sustainable future for themselves and their families through tree planting. #impacthero #treeplanting #SDG #sustainability #tanzania #womenempowerment

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  • Unternehmensseite von Impact Hero anzeigen, Grafik

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    Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise is a true Climate Hero! 🌍 🌲 🌳 They have recently entered their third year as a subscriber to Impact Hero Solutions, adding plastic collection on top of their tree-planting contribution! We're thrilled to share some amazing feedback from our partner Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise after their first month utilizing our new redemption solution, for gifting tree-planting and plastic collection to employees. 💚 View their ongoing impact here: We have been collaborating with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise for the past 3 years. During this partnership, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise has planted 68,000+ trees through our initiatives, generating over 680 days of employment opportunities in the Global South. This year, they’re also helping clear rivers and coastal communities from harmful plastic waste. Hearing such fantastic feedback motivates us to keep pushing boundaries and deliver innovative products and services. 😍 🎉 Special thanks to Chris D. and Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, for being a part of our mission to create a greener future! 🚀 #EcoFriendly #SustainableSolutions #GreenTech #ImpactHero

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    Teamed up with Vallum Associates to plant a tree for every candidate successfully placed! 🌳✨ #ImpactHero

  • Unternehmensseite von Impact Hero anzeigen, Grafik

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    Sustainable Phone Cases, Sustainable Impact 🌿 We're stoked to share how our customer 'Strohcase' is making waves with their eco-friendly phone cases! For every sustainably made phone case they sell, Strohcase plants 🌳 through our impact solution. Their commitment to sustainability is truly inspiring. By choosing Strohcase products, customers are not only protecting their devices but also contributing to a greener planet. Strohcase’s dedication to environmental causes aligns perfectly with our mission at #ImpactHero. How are You protecting yor device, and more importantly, our Mother Nature? 🌍 #Sustainable #SDGs #climateaction

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  • Unternehmensseite von Impact Hero anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌳 Empowering Indigenous Women: Rukia Alfani's Impact 🌱 Meet our #impacthero, Rukia Alfani of Mpanga village near the Shagayu Forest Reserve. Since April 2023, people like Rukia have been a driving force in the restoration of the degraded forest reserves. Rukia's story underscores the significance of involving local communities in initiatives like tree planting, which not only contribute to environmental restoration but also provide much-needed employment for women like her. This project is not just about planting trees; it's about empowering women to secure additional income to support their families and achieve sustainable living. "We hope to see an increasing effort to work with our local communities, planting more trees to employ more local women like me who have fewer chances for employment," ~ Rukia Let's celebrate Rukia Alfani's dedication as she contributes to the restoration of Shagayu Forest Reserve, setting an inspiring example for sustainable community engagement. #impacthero #treeplanting #SDG #sustainability #tanzania #womenempowerment

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  • Unternehmensseite von Impact Hero anzeigen, Grafik

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    "Empowering Employees to Participate in World Regeneration: How HR & Employee Engagement can Create Positive Impact While Boosting KPIs." This comprehensive guide explores the pivotal role HR plays in driving corporate sustainability goals and how impact gifting can significantly enhance HR objectives like employee engagement, retention, and employer branding. - Practical strategies for aligning HR practices with sustainability principles - Use cases demonstrating how impact gifting boosts HR KPIs across departments - A 5-step roadmap for HR professionals to become true Impact Heroes 👉 Whitepaper Download the full white paper now and discover how to create a more engaged, motivated, and loyal workforce while driving positive environmental impact. #ImpactHero #SustainableHR #EmployeeEngagement #CSR #SDG #WhitePaper

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  • Unternehmensseite von Impact Hero anzeigen, Grafik

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    Planting Trees, One Review at a Time 🌳 Here's an amazing example of how our customer Dr. Güstel Waschfaserlaken GmbH & Co. KG is leveraging our impact solution to make a difference! For every rating they receive, they plant a tree through our platform. This innovative approach not only incentivizes customer engagement but also contributes to reforestation efforts worldwide. It's a win-win for both the environment and their business! We're thrilled to see Dr. Güstel's commitment to sustainability and their creative use of our solution. Together, we prove that small actions can lead to significant positive change. 💚 #CustomerEngagement #Reforestation #GreenInitiatives #ImpactHero

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    Profil von Dijana Galijasevic 🌍 anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO & Co-Founder at Impact Hero 🌍 & PhD Candidate I The Trilateral Comission Fellow

    On World Environment Day, we launched the truly beautiful collaboration "TreesArt to the World" 🌍✨ We had the pleasure of meeting the talented artist ChefBurger by Mariano Gonzalez, who paints trees (among other subjects). 💚 Impact Hero is thrilled to partner with #ChefBurger for the "Journey Through the Arts: From Tokyo to Paris" exhibition, hosted at ME by Meliá - Dubai by Meliá Hotels International. As a true #impacthero Mano decided that the proceeds from the sale of these artworks will aid #treeplanting initiatives in the Global South. This unique exhibition, running from June 6th to July 30th, 2024, will feature ChefBurger's "TreesArt to the World" collection—eight stunning paintings that celebrate the beauty and importance of trees. 🌳🎨 Learn more about the ChefBurger exhibition and our initiatives at the Impact Hero: At Impact Hero, we empower businesses to seamlessly integrate sustainable practices into their operations, contributing to the United Nations's Sustainable Development Goals. Our collaboration with ChefBurger exemplifies how art can drive meaningful and creative environmental change. 🌿💼 If you're in #Dubai, ping Amal Slim and meet in front of these beautiful art pieces. #climateaction #treesart #Sustainability #ArtExhibition #EnvironmentalImpact #SustainableDevelopment #GlobalSouth #GreenInitiatives #sdg

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    At Impact Hero, we are honored & thrilled to have taken part in the tree-planting initiative organized by the President of the Hellenic Republic, Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou. On March 21st, 2024, women Ambassadors accredited to Greece joined forces to plant trees in Parnitha, symbolically supporting the restoration of forests devastated by wildfires. The Ambassadors were accompanied by children from the 5th grade of the 3rd Primary School of Agia Paraskevi, Athens, who enthusiastically planted the saplings. The event was graced by the presence of the Minister of Environment and Energy, Mr. Theodoros Skylakakis, and representatives from the General Secretariat of Forests, Fire Service, and the Natural Environment & Climate Change Agency, who provided valuable insights and guidance. We are committed to helping businesses achieve and communicate positive impact. To further support this initiative, Slovenian Ambassador to the Hellenic Republic, Tamara Weingerl Požar, presented a gift to each participant – a tree certificate for the planting of three trees in one of the developing countries where we are currently active, including India, Nepal, Uganda, Tanzania, and Peru. These trees, taking root in both nearby and distant lands, serve as a tangible symbol of our shared responsibility for our planet. We are honored to have contributed to this meaningful endeavor and look forward to continuing our efforts to promote sustainable practices and environmental conservation. #TreePlanting #EnvironmentalConservation #ImpactHero #InternationalDayOfForests

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