
The use of any page on the website ApkMeet.com, including any of its subdomains and/or sections (hereafter ‘ApkMeet’), as well as the use of any service offered on ApkMeet or the download of computer programs from ApkMeet, implies the full acceptance of these terms of use.

For certain content, services, or products offered on ApkMeet, those conditions shall prevail over these terms of use to the extent that incompatibilities arise. The present terms of use are divided into two sections:

I General website terms of use applicable to all of ApkMeet and to all products and/or services offered or sold thereon.

II Intellectual and industrial property rights of ApkMeet content and of the contributions made by developers or users to ApkMeet. The user shall be entirely liable for any losses or damages suffered by Media Ingea, S.L. as a consequence of any use of ApkMeet that does not comply with the provisions established in any part of these terms of use or in any other section of the ApkMeet website. The user further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the company Media Ingea, S.L., as well as its administrators, personnel, agents, and representatives, from any claims in which they may be implicated as a consequence of such user noncompliance.


1.1 Objective of the General Terms of Use

Media Ingea S.L. offers the user via ApkMeet, or may offer in the future, the services, products, and complementary facilities as detailed below:

a. Access to a respository of software content classified by category. This includes the download of software from ApkMeet’s servers with the highest assurance of availability and/or speed that this may involve. In no case does this imply the sale of a license nor possession of intellectual property rights for the program, the use of which will be subject to the license, conditions, and restrictions imposed by the developer or intellectual property rights holder.

b. Search service for software content on the ApkMeet library and directory.

c. Direct email update service for new programs and updates.

d. Periodic newsletter service for registered users covering new developments and information related to the sector or to ApkMeet.

e. Media Ingea S.L. may, at some point, provide additional services or facilities, either free or paid.

1.2 Liability for the processing and use of content

ApkMeet does not guarantee the quality, accuracy, reliability, correctness, or morality of the data, programs, information, or opinions included on the site and in particular those expressed or entered in user forums or opinions. However, users may report presumed abuses or inappropriate uses of the site to allow ApkMeet to review the corresponding content. In relation to the content and programs available for free download, ApkMeet limits itself to offering an intermediary service, as established in Article 17 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and E-Commerce (‘LSSI’), by providing links and search content, while not assuming liability for said content beyond the cases expressly provided for in the aforementioned law; that is, ApkMeet shall only accept liability when it (i) has actual knowledge that the activity or information being reported or referred is illegal or harms the assets or rights of a third party covered by compensation, and (ii) has not acted with diligence to remove or disable the corresponding link. The service provider shall be understood to have actual knowledge when a competent authority has declared the data illegal or ordered its withdrawal, or access to said data has become impossible, or the existence of the damage has been declared, and the service provider is aware of the corresponding resolution.

An identical system to the one established in the previous paragraph applies to other links to third-party sites that may be available on ApkMeet. The inclusion of such links does not imply any relationship, recommendation, or supervision by ApkMeet of the destination page, and ApkMeet therefore accepts no liability for its content, except in such cases as expressly established in the LSSI.

The apps published on ApkMeet are products created by their respective developers. This website is not directly affiliated with them. All of the brands, trademarks, product and company names or logos mentioned here are property of their respective owners. Our download site and app distribute original, unalter