From the course: What Is Generative AI?

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From the course: What Is Generative AI?

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- Now that we completed this course, what are we going to do next? There's only one way to go from here. We choose to overcome all fear, judgment, and prejudice around AI. I understand. I genuinely, wholeheartedly understand and empathize with you with all the confusion people have around AI. "AI is going to take my job." "It's going to replace me." "What will I become if AI starts doing my job?" These are, I understand prevailing fears that I hear around me all the time, but next time that we're confused with AI let's always get back to the basics and remember that AI is nothing but a tool in the service of humanity, in the service of you. The best way to overcome fear is to broaden our perspective. And how are we going to do that? Let's start with doing our own research. We can research further after discourse about AI and the power of humanity. We can think about what makes humans different than the machine and how can we strengthen these capabilities. Second, to start making things today now. As we have seen during the course, you don't need to have a technical understanding of generative AI to start working with it. Like I'm the co-founder of a company that uses generative AI, and still to this day I haven't written a single line of code. And finally, stay creative. The biggest challenge that awaits us in the future will be overcoming the normalization of mediocrity. Generative AI is great, yeah, it's awesome but it's simply a tool, like we said before. It's like camera that works the same way over and over when you use it. If we become lazy and start relying on the machines for the production of content and assets without staying creative, we will be receiving outcomes that are devoid of the sparkle of human ingenuity. This is a very fast moving field. Like my AI Director friend, John Finger, says, "We live in the time of cutting edge obsolescence." Even though generative AI may be one of the most advanced technologies out there, it's exponential development means that just because you know how things work one week you can simply completely be obsolete the next. For this, I would like to share with you all the resources I surround myself for my daily dose of generative AI to make sure that you don't miss a beat. Thank you wholeheartedly for listening to me and joining me in this course. And I leave you with this. Always remember that you are the power behind AI.
