From the course: Project Management Foundations

What it takes to be a project manager

From the course: Project Management Foundations

What it takes to be a project manager

- Most people see project managers as really organized and good at getting things done. But project managers also use a wide variety of skills and knowledge to complete projects successfully. First, there are technical skills specific to project management, like what goes into a project plan? Building and fine tuning a project schedule, reading a Gantt chart, using the critical path, and measuring performance. Then there's business expertise. It's up to you to make sure your project delivers value. You need to understand your organization's business. What it does and what it considers important. That way you can see how your project fits in and you can make good decisions to ensure that your project is successful. Problem solving is another important skill. Projects never, and I mean never, go according to plan. Your job is to figure out how to achieve project objectives and meet the schedule and budget, while working around the problems that arise. One of the most important things in a project manager's toolbox, is interpersonal skills. Projects may use people from different groups, departments, and even different companies. You are the leader of this group so it's your job to help everyone work as a team to get the project done and done well. The most important characteristic of a great project manager is strong leadership. You want to inspire your people, help them become a true team. Guide them to do the right things, hold them accountable, and motivate them to give their best. Does project management sound like something you want to do? This course will help you figure out what you need to know so you can build a plan for developing your skills.
