From the course: Project Management Foundations

Challenge: Change

From the course: Project Management Foundations

Challenge: Change

(cheerful music) - [Narrator] At this point in the hospital scheduling project, you've created drafts of several planning documents. But in the project world, things change and this project is no exception. The government has launched a major initiative in cancer research. Part of this initiative is using a common scheduling tool for all cancer treatment facilities. Brisland Hospital's new cancer ward will have to use the government scheduling tool instead of the solution that your project will implement for the rest of the hospital. In the exercise files, there's a change request submitted by the project manager and approved by the project customer. This change means that you'll have to revise some planning documents. For this challenge, take 20 to 30 minutes to identify which planning documents you need to revise and at a high level what you would change. After you work through your solution, look at the files I would revise in response to this request.
