From the course: HR Leadership in the Metaverse

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Virtual recruitment fairs

Virtual recruitment fairs

- One of the challenges many organizations face is accessing and attracting the right talent. Recruitment fairs can provide access to large pools of candidates. However, virtual recruitment fairs can provide access to a larger pool of candidates that are not bound by geography and can therefore increase applicant participation rates. Conducting virtual recruitment fairs in the metaverse can deliver a higher level of value for applicants and increase hiring opportunities. Virtual recruitment fairs in the metaverse enable applicants to attend as avatars in an immersive 3D space where they can engage with potential employers, connect directly with recruiters and hiring managers in more meaningful ways, and acquire information about an organization before making a decision. Let's take a look at a few examples. Recently, Samsung held a job fair in the metaverse. Using a platform called Gather Town, applicants entered the…
