From the course: HR Leadership in the Metaverse

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The role of remote-culture in transitioning to the metaverse

The role of remote-culture in transitioning to the metaverse

From the course: HR Leadership in the Metaverse

The role of remote-culture in transitioning to the metaverse

- Organizational culture affects everything, from the ability to attract, engage and retain top talent, to the employer brand, to the development of strategic goals, even to the implementation of processes, practices, and policies. Remote work and the ability to work from anywhere has become normalized, and culture matters. Cultivating a remote culture is critically important as the future of work continues to unfold. Indeed, remote culture creates the runway for the transition of work into the metaverse. A remote culture means that an organization intentionally prioritizes and optimizes for remote work and backs this up with practices and policies. It means that employees are empowered to work remotely because workflows and communication and collaboration technology and infrastructure are in place that support synchronous and asynchronous work. It means that remote employees feel fully included in and connected to the…
