From the course: HR Leadership in the Metaverse

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- The onboarding process is a critical juncture in the candidate experience. In fact, a recent study by the Brandon Hall Group, revealed that great onboarding experiences can improve employee retention by 82%. Yet, according to a recent Gallup study, 88% of employers do not onboard employees well. Since the onboarding process can be directly linked to engagement, productivity, and turnover, it is critically important for organizations to get it right. Moving onboarding into immersive virtual shared spaces can streamline processes, enhance candidate experience, bolster organizational culture, and build a sense of community among new hires and with the organization. It can also take your organization's onboarding strategy to the next level. Let's take a look at a couple of examples. Now, in case you missed it, Accenture recently announced that 150,000 new hires would experience their first day of work in the metaverse…
