From the course: HR Leadership in the Metaverse

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Interviews and assessments

Interviews and assessments

- [Narrator] During the height of the pandemic, many organizations shifted from in person to virtual interviews on platforms like Zoom. In fact, according to a recent Indeed poll of US employers 82% of respondents shifted to virtual interviews during the pandemic and 93% expect to continue using virtual interviews in the future. It is no wonder then that the Metaverse will play a role in the evolution of the virtual interview experience. Virtual interviews not only increase the candidate pool, but can also reduce time to hire, cost of hire, streamline the hiring process, and create a more robust candidate experience. The Metaverse can enable employers to expand candidate experiences beyond that of a 2D virtual interview, and in many cases, candidates can enter these immersive spaces by using a VR headset or simply entering through their own web browser. Interview experiences in the Metaverse can allow candidate avatars to…
