The WordPress Foundation 2023 Annual Report is Now Available

The WordPress Foundation has recently released its 2023 Annual Report, highlighting the success of the programs and events supported by the non-profit organization over the year.

WordPress Foundation Programs

Last year, the WordPress Foundation reintroduced its programs to support charity hackathons and open source education worldwide. These initiatives contributed to a renewed interest in participation with 64 attendees.

Community Support Programs

The WordPress Meetup program saw impressive development in 2023, with 748 meetup groups hosting 3,869 events (+765 since 2022) and welcoming 5,242 new members. The United States, Spain, and Germany led as countries with the most meetups held.

WordCamps also increased to 76 (up from 27 in 2022), involving 24,335 attendees, 1715 speakers, and 890 organizers. The community remains committed to diversity, with an increase in female speakers from 28.5% in 2022 to 32.7% in 2023. Ticket sales generated $565,970, with an average ticket cost of $21.70.

Looking ahead to 2024, the WordPress Foundation is excited to build upon this success and continue to support education about WordPress and open source software through its programs and new, engaging community events.