The W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG)

Introduction to the TAG

The TAG is a special working group within the W3C, chartered (under the W3C Process Document) with stewardship of the Web architecture.

As outlined in its charter, there are three aspects to this mission:

  • to document and build consensus around principles of Web architecture and to interpret and clarify these principles when necessary;
  • to resolve issues involving general Web architecture brought to the TAG;
  • to help coordinate cross-technology architecture developments inside and outside W3C.

See the TAG current work page for details of how to work with it, upcoming events, and its publications.

Who are the TAG?

W3C TAG in London
Photo Credit: Daniel Appelquist

The TAG in London, July 2022
Left to right: Sangwhan Moon, Rossen Atanassov, Theresa O'Connor, Hadley Beeman, Tim Berners-Lee, Lea Verou, Yves Lafon, Daniel Appelquist, Amy Guy

The TAG has 12 participants (8 elected, 3 appointed, and 1 life member) plus a staff contact:

  1. Daniel Appelquist (W3C Invited Expert) (Chair)1
  2. Matthew Atkinson (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)1
  3. Hadley Beeman (W3C Invited Expert)3
  4. Tim Berners-Lee (W3C) (Emeritus Chair)6
  5. Amy Guy (Digital Bazaar)2
  6. Yves Lafon (W3C) (staff contact)
  7. Peter Linss (W3C Invited Expert) (Chair)4
  8. Dapeng (Max) Liu (Alibaba Group)1
  9. Tristan Nitot (OCTO Technology)5
  10. Theresa O'Connor (Apple, Inc.)2
  11. Martin Thomson (Mozilla Foundation)1
  12. Lea Verou (W3C Invited Expert)2
  13. Jeffrey Yasskin (Google)5

The TAG is partly elected by the Advisory Committee and partly appointed by the Director. Each year the nomination period typically starts 1 November the election typically starts 1 December.

The TAG follows the guidelines for communicating as a member of a W3C elected body.