LKAB Minerals

LKAB Minerals

Metaller och mineraler, partihandel

We are passionate about Industrial Minerals For Our World

Om oss

OM LKAB MINERALS LKAB Minerals är en internationell industrimineralkoncern med en ledande position inom ett antal produktapplikationer. Vi utvecklar hållbara minerallösningar i samarbete med våra kunder och levererar naturliga mineraler skapade för funktionalitet och användbarhet. LKAB Minerals är ett helägt dotterbolag till LKAB, en av världens ledande producenter av mycket höghaltiga järnmalmsprodukter och andra relaterade gruvtjänster och produkter. ÖVER HELA VÄRLDEN Vi verkar över hela världen genom bolag i Europa, USA och Asien. Vi tillgodoser ett brett spektrum av kunder inom flera affärsområden och applikationer från anläggningsteknik och vattenrening till färger och kosmetika. Vi erbjuder blandningar och blandningstjänster och skapar specifika produkter från kundrecept. VÄRDEDRIVEN Vi är stolta och brinner för vad vi gör, vilket återspeglas i våra värderingar — engagerade, innovativa och ansvarsfulla. SNABBA FAKTA • Drift i 11 länder • Omsättning: 284 MEURO 2019 • Anställda: 400 • Egna fyndigheter: magnetit i Sverige, glimmer i Finland, UltraCarb i turkiet • Mineralportfölj: > 30 mineraler för > 45 applikationer • Ägd till 100% av LKAB TILLVÄXT, HÅLLBARHET OCH INNOVATION LKAB: s verksamhet är decentraliserad till två separata affärsområden, Järnmalm och Specialprodukter. Affärsområde Specialprodukter består av företag som antingen utvecklar och levererar produkter och tjänster till LKAB för att öka konkurrenskraften eller för att skapa värde på andra marknader. Vilket inkluderar vattendrivna borrlösningar, sprängämnen, mekaniska tjänster och gruv- och konstruktionstjänster och industrimineraler. Vår ambition är att affärsområde Specialprodukter ska växa för att bredda och stärka LKAB. En betydande del av tillväxten förväntas komma från expansion av vår industrimineralverksamhet genom LKAB Minerals. Vi växer genom organisk tillväxt, teknisk innovation och förvärv med en tydlig hållbarhetsprofil.

Metaller och mineraler, partihandel
201–500 anställda
Privatägt företag
Industrial Minerals, Polymers & Coatings applications, Refractory & Foundries applications, Magnetite, Mica, Hydromagnesite Huntite, Recycled refractories, Offshore ballast, Heat storage, Water Treatment, High density concrete, Radiation Shielding, Civil Engineering Applications, Wire & cable coating, Flame retardant paint, Anti-corrosion coating, Renewable Energy applications, Flame retardant foams, Brake pads och Counterweights


Anställda på LKAB Minerals


  • Visa organisationssidan för LKAB Minerals, grafik

    15 583 följare

    We have renewed our EcoVadis gold medal. “This is our fifth year working with EcoVadis and receiving another gold medal is a testament to how dedicated our teams are to keep driving forward with our ambitious sustainability plans. In fact, our score has improved vs the 2023 rating, from 73p to 78p, which is the biggest annual increase since 2020. We continue to increase our score and points year after year which means our improvement is steady and incremental rather than a one-off” says Anders Lundgren, Chief Sustainability and Project Officer, business area Special Products. Read the full article to find out more:

    LKAB Minerals renews EcoVadis gold medal

    LKAB Minerals renews EcoVadis gold medal

  • Visa organisationssidan för LKAB Minerals, grafik

    15 583 följare

    Minerals play a crucial role in our daily lives, forming the backbone of modern technology and infrastructure. From the devices we use to communicate to the buildings we live and work in, minerals are integral. They are essential for renewable energy solutions, such as solar panels and wind turbines, driving the shift towards a sustainable future. As part of the LKAB group we are committed to leading the way in the green transformation, and the resources in Sweden will form a vital part in tackling the challenges ahead.

    Visa organisationssidan för LKAB, grafik

    46 231 följare

    At LKAB, we're on an exciting journey to turn today's mining waste into valuable resources that our world needs. These raw materials are vital for our everyday lives. For example, rare earth elements power electric cars and wind turbines, and phosphorus is essential for the mineral fertilizers that help grow our food. This journey starts at our iron ore mine in Malmberget just outside of Gällivare, Sweden and continues on to Luleå, where we'll extract these critical raw materials. It's all part of our commitment to a more sustainable future. Discover more about our plans here: #sustainablemining #Norrbotten #cirticalminerals

  • LKAB Minerals omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Jascha Langbehn, grafik

    Kontakte schaden nur dem, der sie nicht hat. Lasst uns vernetzen und gemeinsam Gutes besser machen!

    Da ist das Ding🥳 auf den BetonTage 2024 habe ich beim Gewinnspiel von LKAB Minerals mit gemacht und gewonnen 👌 Hab mich beim Rätseln sehr amüsiert und ebenso sehr über den Gewinn einer Apple Watch gefreut 🤗 Ein herzlicher Dank geht raus an LKAB Minerals und an Furkan Celik für die Abwicklung 👍

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  • Visa organisationssidan för LKAB Minerals, grafik

    15 583 följare

    Last week we exhibited at The Arable Event as gold sponsors.     The team had a great day showcasing the benefits our #Calcifert range can bring to the agricultural industry.   Mark Tripney was on hand to discuss the results of the plot trial where Calcifert Sulphur was used with fertiliser to show an improvement in Nitram uptake. Britney Clark, Sales Manager for Calcifert & Filler said: "it showed the effectiveness of Calcium and Sulphur fertilisation. And how Sulphur levels need to be reconsidered when selecting fertilisers for the season."   Arj Parekh, Cerys Gardiner CMktr, Nichola Whitfield

    • An LKAB flag at the Arable Event 2024
    • Arj Parekh, LKAB Minerals Commercial Manager for Calcifert and Filler being interviewed at the Arable Event 2024
    • Mark Tripney discussing the plot trial results
    • The LKAB Minerals Calcifert team on the stand at Arable 2024
    • Image of the Calcifert signs in the Arable Event 2024 plot trial
  • LKAB Minerals omdelade detta

    Visa organisationssidan för LKAB, grafik

    46 231 följare

    We have reached a historic milestone at our Malmberget mine, near Gällivare, with the inauguration of a new mine entrance! "Relocating a mine entrance is a rare event. Since April 2022, our team has constructed a 536-meter tunnel from level 278 to the surface. It's a proud moment to open this new entrance. This significant achievement was made possible by our dedicated team. It is truly gratifying to inaugurate this new entrance today,” shared Monika Sammelin, Area Manager at LKAB Malmberget last week at the opening. The ribbon was symbolically cut by a fully electric Scania Heavy Tipper truck, showcasing our commitment to sustainability. This truck is among several electric vehicles being tested for future mine electrification. Additionally, we opened a new workshop area with an environmental facility, crusher repair shop, and pipe workshop. These developments are essential steps toward our vision of a carbon dioxide-free and sustainable production for tomorrow. Learn more here:

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  • Visa organisationssidan för LKAB Minerals, grafik

    15 583 följare

    We are pleased to announce the appointment of David Högnelid as Vice President, Minerals. The Minerals division has a key role to play in LKAB's ongoing transformation, by growing external sales in the industrial minerals market with both existing products and future critical minerals production. “I am excited to take on this new role, to lead our international minerals business. Minerals are the start of virtually every value chain. And at LKAB, we serve customers around the world in a broad range of markets and uses with a portfolio of more than 30 mineral products, engineered for everything from energy production, water treatment, and construction to agriculture,” says David Högnelid. 📎 Read more here:

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  • Visa organisationssidan för LKAB Minerals, grafik

    15 583 följare

    24 HOURS TO GO 🚨 The construction industry is facing its biggest change within a generation. New regulations and evolving best practices are impacting the way we design our buildings. Join our speakers as they delve into new building regulations and compliance, and the transformative shift reshaping the industry. 🎙Phil Kelley, LKAB Minerals 🎙Richard Harral, Chartered Association of Building Engineers What they'll cover: ➡ Gateway Legislation ➡ Golden Thread ➡ Design Liability #gatewaylegislation #goldenthread #designliability #buildingregulations

    Navigating Gateway Legislation: Your Roadmap to Success

    Navigating Gateway Legislation: Your Roadmap to Success

  • Visa organisationssidan för LKAB Minerals, grafik

    15 583 följare

    Thank you to all of the new and existing followers and connections on our social media. We can't thank you enough for getting LKAB Minerals to this incredible milestone and hope that you are enjoying all of the content we are sharing - from our product applications to our incredible business developments. If you have not already found us on Facebook - consider following us on there too! - #LKABMinerals #LinkedIn #SocialMedia

  • Visa organisationssidan för LKAB Minerals, grafik

    15 583 följare

    This week we have been at 'Europe's largest trade congress for the concrete industry,' 68 BetonTage 2024 in Ulm, Germany. We we there showcasing how our #MagnaDense products can be used in the construction industry. MagnaDense is a magnetite-based mineral product primarily used as a heavy dense concrete or ballast for applications such as civil engineering and radiation shielding. To find out more about our MagnaDense follow the link: #68BetonTage #BetonTage24 #Magnetite

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