GAE, SIMIONESCU & ASOCIATII - Societate Civila de Avocati

GAE, SIMIONESCU & ASOCIATII - Societate Civila de Avocati

Servicii juridice

Sector 3, Bucharest 26 adepți

Premium boutique Law Firm

Despre noi

We are a newly established premium boutique law firm specialized with the accumulated experience of the 2 partners for almost 15 years, both in the spectrum of legal advice and representation before the courts or other legal entities of public or private law. Gae, Simionescu & Associates is a dynamic law firm, in full expansion, looking for partners eager for legal security. Our professionals, having as basic principles the moral probity and legal security of the clients, decided to create a vehicle through which all these desideratum be possible.

Site web
Sector de activitate
Servicii juridice
Dimensiunea companiei
2-10 angajați
Sector 3, Bucharest
Companie privată
Fiscal Law, Employment Law, Intellectual Property, Banking and Financial Law, Real Estate, Corporate & Commercial Law, Foreclosure Law, Data Protection, Criminal Law, Environment Law, Family Law, Public Procurement și Litigation


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