


Hønefoss, Viken 2,649 følgere

We specialize in making digital solutions for construction companies and craftsmen in the Nordics.

Om oss

SmartCraft is the leading Nordic provider of software solutions for craftsmen and the construction industry. Our 200 employees serve +120 000 users from 15 offices in Sweden, Norway and Finland. Our vision is to become the leading provider of specialized digital solutions for construction companies and craftsmen in the North-Western part of Europe. Our solutions are built to meet the specific needs of our customers. They are the best in their field, and you can rest assure that you will have a state-of-the-art solution supported by superior industry expertise and knowledge. Cordel Norden AS changed name to SmartCraft AS in January 2021.

51–200 ansatte
Hønefoss, Viken
Åpent aksjeselskap
SaaS, Software, IT, Cloud, Entrepreneurs, Håndverker, arbeidsordre, timeregistrering, fakturasystem, sjekklister, ks, hms


Ansatte i SmartCraft


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    Vis organisasjonssiden til EL-VIS Suomi, grafisk

    67 følgere

    🚀 Uunituore SmartCraftin Digimeter 2024 -tutkimusraportti suomalaisen rakennusalan digitalisaatiosta osoittaa muun muassa, että yli 4/5 suosittelee digityökaluja kollegoilleen ja uskoo niiden parantavan asiakastyytyväisyyttä. Tärkeimmät syyt digityökalujen käyttöön ovat ajansäästö, toiminnan tehostaminen ja parempi hallittavuus. ⏱︎📈 ❗Rakennusala suhtautuu pääosin positiivisesti digivälineisiin, mutta haasteitakin on. Vaikka suurin osa suomalaisista rakennus- ja urakointiyrityksistä käyttää digityökaluja, digiloikka etenkin kenttätyössä on vasta alussa. Noin 20 % yrityksistä kokee toiminnan digitalisoinnin vaikeaksi! 💡Älykkäästi toimiminen on taloudellisesti vaikeina aikoina tärkeämpää kuin koskaan. Jos teillä hommat pyörivät vielä Excelillä tai paperein, koska sopivan digityökalun löytäminen tai käyttöönotto tuntuu haastavalta – anna meidän auttaa! ➡️ Laita viestiä ja jutellaan – tai tutustu tarkemmin Digimeter 2024 -raportin oivalluksiin! Raportti on luettavissa myös suomeksi: #SmartCraft #Digimeter #rakennusala #digitalisaatio #tutkimus

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    Vis organisasjonssiden til Bygglet AB, grafisk

    1,692 følgere

    Har du bekymmer med frånvarande medarbetare? 🤔🔨 Står du inför utmaningen med medarbetare som ofta är frånvarande, både under korta perioder och längre tider? Svårt att få klarhet i när de kommer tillbaka till arbetet? Då ska du läsa vår senaste artikel "Frånvarande medarbetare och förebyggande insatser" och få värdefulla tips för att hantera och förebygga frånvaro👷♂️💪 👉 Läs artikeln här:

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til SmartCraft, grafisk

    2,649 følgere

    In this month's #ThePeopleBehindSmartCraft we are in Helsinki to talk to Satu Valldén (Lehtonen) who is the Business Lead for EL-VIS Suomi. 💬 Satu, you are Business Lead, what do you do and what´s important in your role? “The heart of my role is my deep passion for EL-VIS. I'm committed to championing our solutions, sparing no effort to ensure they thrive in Finland while also supporting our Swedish counterparts.” 💬 As an employee, what´s unique about SmartCraft and what do you value the most in your job? “I've been with SmartCraft for 7 months now, following 17 years at the Electrical Contractors' Association STUL Finland. What I've realized is that despite our company's growth, we remain efficient and lean. Contacting any level of management across the company is easy. We excel at analyzing our position, planning, and making quick decisions.” 💬 How does your job contribute to a better day for construction companies? “In my previous role, I aimed to help electrical companies with their daily tasks to foster their success. Reflecting on it now, that mission remains unchanged. At EL-VIS and throughout SmartCraft, we're dedicated to simplifying everyday processes for our customers and the entire building industry, promoting better business practices, awareness, and quality. “ 💬 Do you have any unique skills or fun facts about yourself, at work or private you would like to share? “Professionally, I believe I possess two crucial skills: attentive listening and a broad perspective. I can read between the lines to address issues customers may not even realize they have. This approach extends to my personal life. Outside of work, I find solace in winter swimming. It's like hitting the reset button. Submerged in 4°C water, all you focus on is your breath—no room for worries, just being present and finding calm. Additionally, whenever possible, I love to travel, often to Spain, although it's tough to find chilly waters there” 😊  

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