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Nyrstar is an international producer of critical minerals and metals essential for a low carbon future. With a market leading position in zinc and lead, Nyrstar has mining, smelting and other operations located in Europe, the United States and Australia and employs approximately 4,000 people. Its Corporate Office is based in Budel-Dorplein, the Netherlands. The company’s operations are located close to key customers and major transport hubs to facilitate reliable and efficient delivery of raw materials and distribution of finished products. Nyrstar’s operating business is wholly owned by Trafigura, one of the world’s leading independent commodity trading and supply chain logistics companies. Visit www.nyrstar.com.

1.001 - 5.000 medewerkers
Particuliere onderneming
Zinc, Lead, Gold, Copper, Indium, Zinc Alloys, Lead Alloys, Silver Doré, Sulphuric Acid, Germanium en Gallium


Medewerkers van Nyrstar


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    Nyrstar’s Daniel Zaluski took the stage at a July 11 event in the US Senate in Washington DC, USA. Special guest and keynote speaker at the event was US Senator John Hickenlooper. Nyrstar contributed and was invited to participate in the launch of a report on securing the US’ critical mineral supply chains. The whitepaper, developed by the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) in cooperation with the American Critical Minerals Association and other partners, addresses the need to further commercially derisk investments in domestic critical minerals and metals capacity.   Nyrstar’s Zaluski focused his remarks on the role Nyrstar can play in supplying the U.S. economy with germanium and gallium and what’s needed – from a derisking point of view – to make that happen as the market for critical minerals such as germanium and gallium is highly volatile due to geopolitical tensions, supply chain disruptions, and fluctuations in global demand. 👉 To remain competitive in the global market, companies and governments need to secure a stable supply of critical minerals. However, no current primary production capabilities of either germanium or gallium exist in the US. 👉 Nyrstar is proposing to expand its Clarksville, TN production facility to include state-of-the-art germanium and gallium recovery and processing. 👉 The project will establish the only domestic primary production of germanium and gallium, and increase production of zinc at Nyrstar’s Clarksville Smelter, the only primary zinc refinery in the US.   Huge thanks to BPC, ACMA, our partners and Senator Hickenlooper for their support in this effort, we look forward to continuing discussing federal policies to address market volatility. Check out the report here: https://lnkd.in/egwpQYth #Nyrstar #USsenate #derisking #pricefloor #criticalminerals #tennessee #clarksville #zinc #germanium #gallium #BPC #ACMA #USA #independence #autonomy #strategy #volatility #metals #mining #expansion #investment

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    Nyrstar's Global Head of Strategic Initiatives, Gregory Belland, was a guest speaker on a panel about the critical minerals industry at the SelectUSA Summit (https://lnkd.in/efR7p9k) recently held in Washington DC, USA. The Summit brought together government leaders, business visionaries and investors from more than 75 countries, as well as economic development organizations from every corner of the U.S. Belland spoke about Nyrstar's operations as an international producer of critical minerals and metals and highlighted our opportunities to produce approximately 80% of the annual domestic U.S. needs of germanium and gallium. These materials, which have been in the news a lot lately, are dominated by China. Germanium and gallium are essential to the green energy transition, high tech and national security. Nyrstar has a unique ‘mine to metal’ presence in the U.S., all in the state of Tennessee with two underground mining complexes and the only primary Zinc smelter in the US, the Nyrstar Clarksville smelter, near Nashville. The SelectUSA Investment Summit is the highest-profile event dedicated to promoting foreign direct investment in the United States, with a focus on the U.S. investment environment, industry trends and creating business opportunities. #criticalminerals #criticalmetals #selectusa #zinc #germanium #gallium #investors #summit #USA

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    All aboard! This Saturday, Nyrstar proudly supported the annual Kiwanis Dragon Boat Festival (https://lnkd.in/dg2GhJQ) in Weert, the Netherlands. Recognizing the significance of the cause and its alignment with our strive for sustainability and care for the local community, a team from Nyrstar’s Corporate Office in Budel joined this great event as a sponsor and participant. The proceeds from the race will go to the St Jans Gasthuis in Weert and the Nature and Environment Education Centre Kudos to our drummer and paddlers: Daniela Di Folco, Andre Steyn, Loeni Steyn, Patrick van der Meulen, Pablo Ceciliano Ocadiz, Jasper van Zon, Daniel Ventura Conrado, Billy Hietbrink and Prince Prasad Raju for putting their best paddle up and keeping the Nyrstar flag high and dry. We are thrilled to have placed first in 2 out of the 3 races. Also a huge thanks to our Event Committee members and supporters Jolanda Peeters, Anél Hietbrink, Victoria Ponomareva, Kelly Gutierrez, Liza (Yelyzaveta) L., Catherine Harrop and many others cheering for the Nyrstar dragons and helping contribute to the well-being of the community where we live and operate. #nyrstar #dragonboat #charity #kiwanis #weert #team #engagement #community

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    Beginning on July 7, NAIDOC Week is an important annual celebration in Australia to recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who represent one of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. In Port Pirie, Nyrstar's multi-metals facility has operated on Nukunu Land for 135 years and has a proud history of working with and supporting the local community throughout this time. Three years ago, Port Pirie West Primary School - which has a significant Aboriginal demographic of students, introduced a NAIDOC-themed school uniform designed by artists in the region. This shirt has greatly increased the daily attendance of these students at school, which is vital for the development of the next generation. Nyrstar has proudly collaborated with the school on this initiative for the past two years and thanks them for inviting two of our Site Management team a long for the presentation of this year's uniform, Chris Whitting (Manager - Operations Support) and Paige Aldenhoven (Manager - Human Resources). #NAIDOCWeek #Nyrstar #PortPirie #SouthAustralia

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    📢 We've officially reached the 5️⃣0️⃣,0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ follower milestone on LinkedIn. Thank you, Nyrstar community, for your continued support, engagement and enthusiasm 🎉 We're proud of the highlights we've shared, including inspiring stories about our people, who are the backbone of Nyrstar and the key to our success. Whether they're: 💪 engaged in exploring Nyrstar's critical minerals and metals opportunities, 💪 enhancing energy flexibility at our fully electrified zinc smelters, 💪 contributing to Nyrstar's award-winning mine rescue unit, or 💪 striving to optimise the value from zinc, lead, and other high-value products at our sites globally... ...our employees' diverse skills, strengths, and experiences are the foundation that enables Nyrstar to process and refine the resources critical for a rapidly evolving world 🌎 While numbers aren't everything, we're thrilled that our online audience is growing in parallel with the importance of our quality products - and therefore the importance of our people - to the world's energy transition and low-carbon future. Each post and update has been a chapter in our evolving story, and your interaction has added value to our narrative. We look forward to continuing the journey with you. Here's to sharing our story of global impact, teamwork and innovation with more and more people, and to the Nyrstar team growing in the years ahead 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 #zinc #lead #criticalminerals #criticalmetals

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    Today marks the 135th anniversary of Nyrstar’s multi-metal processing facility in Port Pirie, Australia. The site has been in continuous operation in Australia since 27 June 1889 and is currently Australia's largest producer of refined lead as well as a wide range of high value and high quality products. These include silver doré, gold, copper and sulphuric acid, which are critical to the manufacture of products used around the world every day and to the energy transition.   For example, silver is used in clean energy technologies, solar panels, electronics, electric vehicle batteries, nano- and biotechnology, and coins.   The largest photo below, taken in 1947, shows the casting of silver extracted from lead. The process was researched and patented at Port Pirie. Today, Nyrstar holds a market-leading position in silver production. #refinedlead #silver #gold #sulphuricacid #cleanenergy #solar #eletricvehiclebatteries #nanotechnology #biotechnology #coins

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    Op donderdag 6 juni vond de eerste editie van Nationaal Programma Verduurzaming Industrie (NPVI)-Connect plaats. Het NPVI is een samenwerking tussen de Nederlandse overheid, bedrijfsleven en netbeheerders om tegen 2050 een duurzame, klimaatneutrale en circulaire basisindustrie te realiseren. Een basisindustrie die bijdraagt aan een leefbaar Nederland en de economische kracht, innovatie en werkgelegenheid versterken, als onderdeel van de nationale energietransitie. Tijdens het druk bezochte evenement, deelden vertegenwoordigers van de 5 regionale Nederlandse industrieclusters, het landelijke Cluster 6 waar Nyrstar onderdeel van is, overheidsinstanties, netwerkbedrijven en andere organisaties hun ervaringen, ambities en uitdagingen. Demissionair Minister Micky Adriaansens reageerde samen met onder meer Karlo Van Dam, Afke van Rijn, Ingrid Thijssen en Clusterregisseurs van Industrieclusters op investeringsklimaat, netcongestie, milieu-ruimte en vergunningen. Ook vond er een breakoutsessie plaats over investeringsklimaat, waar -naast Gülbahar Tezel en Yorick Cramer- Nyrstar’s Henk Leendertse presenteerde. Hij sprak over de ambities van Nyrstar Budel met betrekking tot industriële flex -Nyrstar's Virtuele Batterij concept https://lnkd.in/e8xGTKgP en de opportuniteiten rond kritieke mineralen en metalen zoals gallium en germanium. Een inspirerend event in een inspirerende industriële omgeving. Dit zal zeker helpen om de samenwerking tussen overheid, industrie en andere belangengroepen verder te versterken en uit te bouwen. #industrie #NPVI #EZK #industrieclusters #Cluster6 #samenwerking #verduurzaming #ambities

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    On Friday 31 May, our multi-metals processing facility in Port Pirie, South Australia held its Long Service Awards to recognise 43 employees who reached a 10, 25, 40, 45 or 50-year milestone in 2024. The event is an important annual tradition to congratulate those hard-working team members who have long demonstrated a strong commitment to Nyrstar through over 130 years of continuous operation and play a critical role in positioning our business for success into the future. We would like to extend a thank you to the businesses local to our Port Pirie operations that supplied to the evening and to Independent Member for Stuart, The Honourable Mr. Geoff Brock MP and PORT PIRIE REGIONAL COUNCIL Mayor Leon Stephens for attending. More photos from the event can be seen on the site's Facebook page here: https://lnkd.in/gwqKwEd6.

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    Op vrijdag 31 mei hebben we een open en constructief gesprek mogen voeren met GL/PvdA Kamerlid Geert Gabriels tijdens het werkbezoek dat hij bracht aan Nyrstar in Budel. Tijdens de rondleiding over het fabrieksterrein lichtten Henk Leendertse, Joop Jansen en Jasper van Zon toe waarom Nyrstar Budel onlangs weer is opgestart. En over wat er nodig is om de fabriek weer structureel levensvatbaar te maken en hoe toekomstgerichte investeringen mogelijk gemaakt kunnen worden. Verder is er gesproken over wat Nyrstar Budel de afgelopen jaren al heeft gedaan om één van de meest duurzame en efficiënte zinksmelters in Europa te worden en wat Nyrstar’s ambities zijn om de productie nóg flexibeler te maken en kritische mineralen en metalen te gaan produceren. We danken Geert Gabriëls voor zijn inspirerende bezoek. We kijken er naar uit om de dialoog met Nederlandse beleidsmakers voort te zetten om een duurzame toekomst voor onze 500 directe werknemers en duizenden indirecte werknemers te blijven bieden.

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