Blast BCW

Blast BCW

Services de relations publiques et communication

Vacoas-Phoenix, Plaines Wilhems 2 501 abonnés

À propos

Blast BCW is the leading communications and PR agency in Mauritius. Founded in 2004, the company has grown from a one-person outfit to an organization with a footprint in Mauritius and the Indian Ocean region. Blast BCW currently operates two offices, in Mauritius and in Reunion Island, as well as a sister company, Point of View Production Ltd, which offers video and postproduction services. Blast BCW offers a wide array of services ranging from public relations to public affairs, internal communications, media relations, event management, digital media, media training and crisis management across all sectors and industries. Among our clients are industry associations, professional services firms, government entities and other large organisations.

Site web
Services de relations publiques et communication
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Vacoas-Phoenix, Plaines Wilhems
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Communication strategy, Media monitoring, Brand and product related, Events management, Brand management et Crisis management


Employés chez Blast BCW


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    2 501  abonnés

    Another year, another learning! 🚀 Like every year, Blast BCW participated in the BCW Starting Blocks programme with over 19 countries across Africa. This year we were even joined by our teams in La Réunion ! We are also thrilled to announce that our team members at Blast BCW have once again shone bright through dedication and hardwork ! 👏 The Starting Blocks programme teaches more than just strategic communication; it offers a transformative experience that ignites creativity, growth, and collaboration. The exchange of knowledge across different markets provides one of the most enriching experiences. An enormous thanks to BCW Africa for this enriching opportunity and bravo to this year's cohort! #BlastBCW #BCWAfrica #BCWGlobal #BCWStartingBlocks #TeamBlast #AchievementUnlocked #Communications #Mauritius

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    2 501  abonnés

    Cheers to 20 years of Blast BCW! In May, we celebrated two decades of passion, innovation and success with our clients, partners and employees by our side. From our humble beginnings to climbing the ladder in the industry, this journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. Thank you for having joined us for such an evening, overflowing with laughter, cherished memories and heartfelt gratitude. Relive this magical night and celebrate with us once again! Credits : Entropia Pictures #Blast20 #BlastBCW #Communications

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    2 501  abonnés

    On the second episode of ‘Having a Blast’, Aisha Allee sits down with Jean-Marc Tang, a renowned architect & interior designer. Tang's remarkable portfolio spans impressive projects, globally & locally. Tune in to know more about his amazing work and hear his insights, as he welcomed Aisha in his stunning home! #BlastBCW #HavingABlast #Architecture #Design #communications #Mauritius

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    2 501  abonnés

    BLAST BCW is on a roll! We were honoured to receive our African 10th SABRE Award and our 9th Certificate of Excellence (7 of them this year!). We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our clients whose continued support motivates us to achieve the best of ourselves. A massive shoutout goes to our phenomenal teams whose dedication and talent made this possible. We are deeply appreciative of the trust Rogers Group placed in us during their campaign, "Thought leadership: When the Group CEO becomes the driver of meaningful change". A very warm thank you to all of our clients for trusting us with the campaigns that earned us these certificates of excellence: 1."Ene Koudmin" with anAngel 2. "Values on Wheels" with C-Care 3. "Resikle an Boté ek Garnier" with BrandActiv 4. "Giving a new lease of life to a 70-year-old organisation" with SICR Syndicat de l'Importation et du Commerce de la Réunion 5. "Thought leadership: When the Group CEO becomes the driver of meaningful change" with Rogers 6. "Sensory Garden for the visually impaired children of Lois Lagesse Centre-Unveiling the essence of an inspiring project" with Rotary Club of Phoenix 7. "When the resounding voice of the employee transforms into the unwavering commitment of the employer" with Business Mauritius We are thrilled with these recognitions, but the true reward is seeing the positive impact our work has on our clients' brands and communities. Here's to more successful campaigns together! #BlastBCW #BlastPRandEvents #SABREAwards #SABREAwards2024 #CertificateOfExcellence #PR #Communications #DigitalMarketing

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    2 501  abonnés

    Get ready to be inspired, informed, and engaged! Tune in to "Executive Insights," our new podcast with our #CEO Aisha Allee, in conversation with the most influential business leaders in the region. They share their stories, challenges, successes, business philosophies, and leadership journeys. In the inaugural episode, Aisha has the privilege of delving into the mind of Samer Kassem, CEO of Aspen Global Incorporated - Mauritius. He opens up about his inspirations, his journey to the top, achievements, aspirations, and unique leadership style. Don't miss this insightful conversation! Don’t forget to like, share, and comment below to let us know what you think! Get ready to gain invaluable insights from the best in the business! 🔊 #Mauritius #CEOs #Business #Leadership #Podcast #BlastBCW #ExecutiveInsights

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    2 501  abonnés

    Ôté, regardez qui est venu bat’karé du côté l’île Maurice durant une semaine : Kouamé Frédéric Charles Konan, chargé de communication chez Blast Réunion. 💪 Notre charmant collègue de l’île sœur était des nôtres dans le cadre de notre programme d’échanges entre nos deux bureaux. « Je tiens à remercier l’ensemble des équipes sans exception pour le bel accueil qui m’a été réservé. Cette semaine d’immersion au siège de Blast a été très enrichissante en matière de formation, mais aussi de relations humaines. Ne dit-on pas que seul on va vite, mais qu’ensemble on va plus loin ? Gardons donc tous l’esprit d’équipe et nous irons certainement loin ensemble, même si nous ne connaissons pas l’avenir que je suppose magnifique pour tous. Lors de mon passage, j’ai pu comprendre les différents fonctionnements dans tous les départements à savoir PR, Design, Digital, Media Monitoring, Intelligence Media, POV, Admin, Copywriting, et les défis auxquels chacun d’eux fait face avec brio. En plus, la célébration des 20 ans a été un très bon moment que je n’oublierai pas. Cette expérience a aussi été l’occasion pour moi, d’améliorer mon anglais et de découvrir davantage le créole mauricien. Définitivement, les Blastiens sont liés à tous les niveaux (professionnel, humain, culturel, etc.) et nous devons poursuivre nos collaborations en bonne intelligence et bien sûr, dans la communication qui est au cœur de notre métier. Mo bien kontan ki mo’nn zwenn boukou koleg, frer ek ser. Ti mari serye !  » #BlastBCW #BlastRUN #Team974 #Maurice #Communications #PublicRelations #DigitalMarketing

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    2 501  abonnés

    AKWABA ! A very warm welcome was extended to delegates at the opening of the APRA (African Public Relations Association) Conference 2024 in Grand Bassam, Côte d’Ivoire. The historic town of Grand Bassam is recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site for its remarkable colonial architecture and cultural significance. The primary objective of this conference is to build bridges between the Francophone, Anglophone, and Lusophone African nations, fostering collaboration and creating a unifying narrative for the Public Relations’ industry across the continent. As such, Blast BCW and Blast RUN are proudly representing the islands of the Indian Ocean region at the conference, showcasing the continent’s diversity and unity. In a heartwarming twist, our cherished colleague Kouamé Frédéric Charles Konan, who is originally from Côte d’Ivoire, is thrilled to be back in his home country as he participates in this momentous event. Thank you to Kwame Senou from THOP and the APRA team for this enriching conference in Côte d’Ivoire! #BlastBCW #ApraConference2024 #APRAAbidjan2024 #OneAfricaOneVoice #PublicRelations #Mauritius

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    2 501  abonnés

    🌟 Rejoignez notre équipe en tant que Media Monitoring Officer ! Vous êtes passionné par les médias d'actualité ? Nous recherchons un/une Media Monitoring Officer (MMO) enthousiaste pour rejoindre notre équipe dynamique à Sodnac ! Ce que vous ferez : Surveiller les journaux, magazines, stations de radio, chaînes de télévision et sites web locaux et régionaux afin d'informer nos clients. Exigences : - Ouvert au travail en équipe - Excellentes compétences en rédaction en anglais et en français - Bon esprit d'équipe - Passionné par les médias et par l'actualité - Désireux d'apprendre et capable de gérer plusieurs tâches à la fois - Expérience de travail sur shift est un plus Avantages : - Compensation attrayante avec augmentations après la période d'essai - Une rotation de 8 heures entre 6h à 23h - Télétravail à 80% après 3 mois de formation - Paiement supplémentaire pour les night shifts, les dimanches et les jours fériés - Heures supplémentaires payées après 45 heures par semaine - Prime de présence : entre Rs 500 et Rs 3 250 chaque mois - Avantages bien-être tels que des corporate massages et des événements d'équipe Notre équipe : Rejoignez une équipe jeune et dynamique (âge moyen de 24 ans, 80% de femmes) qui valorise le bien-être et l'équilibre travail-vie personnelle. Évaluations de performance et récompenses régulières ! Prêt à avoir un impact? Postulez maintenant pour un emploi immédiat ! Envoyez votre CV et votre lettre de motivation à Re-débutez une carrière en communication avec nous ! Plus d'infos : #JobOpening #MediaMonitoring #CareerOpportunity #JoinOurTeam #MauritiusJobs #Sodnac #NowHiring #DynamicTeam #WorkFromHome #ShiftWork #JobPerks #MediaJobs #ApplyNow #BlastTeam #BlastMediaMonitoring #BlastBCW

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