Google Marketing Platform
Case Study

Rituals Grows Their Brand with Google Marketing Platform

As your audience grows, maintaining relevant, personalized messaging can get more challenging. Rituals, a body, home, and gifting brand popular in Europe, wanted to reach a wider group of people around the world who would be genuinely interested in its products — but manually building every new audience was taking too much time.

So Rituals used Google Marketing Platform to create and reach audiences in a scalable way. The company not only saved time, but also increased its sales by 85%. Watch the video to learn how using machine learning to automate audience creation helped Rituals transform its business and grow its brand.

Video Transcription

Hedwich de Groot, Data Driven Digital Marketing Manager: Rituals is a body, home, and gifting brand.

Martijn van der Zee, Digital Director: Founded in 2000, we're actually the fastest growing bath and body brand in Europe, but in the UK and the U.S, we're still relatively small. We have a loyal customer base, but our challenge is to reach new audiences in different countries.

de Groot: For us at Rituals, it’s extremely important to reach those people on the right device with the right timing, and with the right message.

van der Zee: We use Google Marketing Platform to allow us to have a scalable approach in a very pinpointed way. In Google Cloud, we basically store all our first-party data, which makes it really convenient to connect with Google Marketing Platform.

Mattanja de Vries, Display Advertising Specialist: With having all the data in one place, it’s helped us be more effective, but also really grow campaign after campaign because we were able to use it in a really smart way. Google Marketing Platform really helps us with creating the right audience insights for the right products that we have.

de Groot: It's extremely hard to find a balance, how much communication should we push out there. What we did is that we took a look at conversion probability, and it says something about are they likely to buy? Yes or no. So we created audiences on purchase probability, and it's outperforming far, far more than the old manual strategy.

de Vries: I can now really focus on the growth, looking for new opportunities, expanding the campaigns--learning from the campaigns.

van der Zee: Before we used it in the US, we were growing at a pace of 50, 60, 70% which is already quite high. Right now we're moving at 200% online.

de Vries: Within the machine learning capabilities of Google Marketing Platform, we increased our sales 85%, and also decreased our CPA 15%.

van der Zee: The results are incredible. It actually helped us transform our whole vision. We want to be a global brand. Google Marketing Platform facilitates that growth. We are now doing everything audience-based and not only in the marketing channels but also on the websites and in the future on the app.

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