
WordCamp Canada 2024 speaker schedule now available!  #WCEH

WordCamp Canada 2024 speaker schedule now available!  #WCEH

Our speaker schedule is now available, please see:

Regular tickets for WordCamp Canada 2024 are only $75 for 3 days of unforgettable learning, networking, and fun.
Connect with a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for all things WordPress – July 11 to 13, 2024, in Ottawa.

Call for Sponsors:
To make WordCamp Canada a success, we are relying on the generous support of sponsors to cover a major part of the costs. By becoming a sponsor you will gain exposure to a highly targeted audience and demonstrate your commitment to the WordPress community. We have an outstanding lineup of speakers that has just been announced that is sure to attract a full crowd. Now we need the support of sponsors to make this exciting and ground-breaking event happen!  With sponsorship levels from Butter Tart and Poutine to Maple Syrup, we have tried to be imaginative in providing a range of opportunities and cost levels. Please see for details.

Call for Volunteers:
There is an endless list of tasks to do to make a WordCamp happen.  We’re looking for volunteers, both before and during the event. To volunteer to help out please see

We are also looking for translators for the website content. If you can help translate, or know someone who might be able to help us, please let us know.

Thank you,
WordCamp Canada 2024 Organizers

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