


Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg 3.620 Follower:innen

Komplexe Abläufe mit KI optimieren, anstatt mit Excel.


Wir verschaffen jedem Unternehmen Zugang zu modernsten KI-Technologien, die sonst nur führenden Tech-Giganten vorbehalten waren. Unsere Botschaft lautet: Mithilfe von Decision Intelligence können Organisationen komplexe Herausforderungen eigenständig meistern und sich einen entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil sichern – ohne Vorkenntnisse und die Expertise von eigenen Data Scientists.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg


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    Palo-Alto Platz 13

    Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg 69124, DE


Beschäftigte von paretos


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    Transforming E-Commerce: Insights from the K5 Conference Our colleague Sebastian Burgmeier attended the K5 - Future Retail Conference on behalf of paretos and returned with some compelling insights that we’re eager to share. 🔍 Key Takeaways: 1. Market Sentiment: The market is tense for many companies, but there are signs of slow improvement 2. Shift from B2B to D2C: This shift is poised to transform existing business models 3. Competitive Landscape: Temu and SHEIN are seen as serious competitors, yet there’s a limited willingness to tackle innovative issues and build tomorrow’s business models 📈 Insights on Competitive Advantage Sebastian highlighted that SHEIN’s on-demand business model gives them a decisive edge. They significantly reduce overcapacity through small-batch manufacturing, data-driven merchandise planning, and on-demand production. Here’s something many don’t realize: you don’t need a 100+ person engineering team to be data-driven. At paretos, we focus on enabling every company to reduce overcapacity and undercapacity through AI-based demand forecasting and mathematical optimization. 🤝 The Need for Clear Ownership A crucial point that emerged is the need for clear ownership of decision intelligence and data-driven optimization. Who should take responsibility? The E-Commerce department, Merchandise Planning team, IT, or Supply Chain department? The answer: It’s a cross-departmental initiative. We need doers who are ready to take ownership and build the business models of tomorrow today. Let’s take the initiative and shape the future of e-commerce together! A big thank you to Sebastian for bringing back these valuable insights! 🙌 #ECommerce #DecisionIntelligence #AI #DemandForecasting #paretos #K5Conference

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    Unlocking the Future of Supply Chains with Decision Intelligence! We are thrilled to share our experience from the EY Supply Chain Days, where paretos, in collaboration with the Otto Group, showcased innovative solutions and successful projects. Our workshop, titled “Decision Intelligence in der Praxis,” was a deep dive into the transformative power of AI in the supply chain. 🔍 Key Highlights: • Engaging Workshop: Interactive discussions and participant engagement with over 20 industry leaders. • Success Stories: Demonstrated real-world use cases with the Otto Group, particularly in outbound and fulfillment operations. • Lascana Case Study: Showcased how we automated SKU replenishment for Lascana, leading to a 78% improvement in forecast accuracy. This project reduced manual efforts, overproduction, and logistics costs while preventing stockouts and associated revenue losses. A big thank you to Tobias Reul from the Otto Group for the fantastic collaboration and support! Together, we’re paving the way for smarter, more sustainable supply chains. Stay tuned for more insights and success stories! 🌍 📈 #SupplyChain #DecisionIntelligence #AI #Sustainability #paretos #OttoGroup #EYSupplyChainDays

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  • Unternehmensseite von paretos anzeigen, Grafik

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    🔍 Curious about which AI type is perfect for your daily supply chain challenges? Discover the answer in the second edition of our AI Supply Chain Insights Newsletter! ✨ 💡 This edition features: 1. AI Types Comparison: Find out which AI technology fits your specific needs 2. Latest OECD Study: Gain insights from the newest OECD report on Germany’s AI ecosystem, exploring talent development, research, practical applications, and more 3. Success Story: Discover how Wunderlich, a leading fruit and vegetable wholesaler, leverages AI to optimize their supply chain, reduce food waste, and enhance efficiency Happy reading and enjoy the insights! #AI #SupplyChain #DecisionIntelligence #OECD #GenerativeAI #ForecastAI #RecommendationAI #AISupplyChainInsights

    🤖 AI-Typen im Vergleich, Erfolg mit KI im Obst- und Gemüsegroßhandel und die neueste OECD-Studie

    🤖 AI-Typen im Vergleich, Erfolg mit KI im Obst- und Gemüsegroßhandel und die neueste OECD-Studie

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    🌟 Balancing Supply Chain Cost and Sustainability: A New Era with paretos and PwC 🌟 We are excited to share our latest collaboration with PwC Deutschland, exploring the dynamic interplay between supply chain cost and sustainability. 🌍📈 In the face of changing customer demands and increasing sustainability requirements, businesses are under immense pressure to maintain profitability while incorporating ESG considerations. Together with PwC, we’ve crafted a comprehensive article that addresses these challenges and presents innovative solutions for modern supply chain management. Here are some highlights from the article:   🔍Today’s Supply Chain Challenges: • The complexity of supply chain planning is heightened by the need for sustainable and fairly sourced products. • New legal requirements, such as the EU Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains, add another layer of complexity to the traditional trade-offs of cost, service level, and inventories. 🚀 Modern Optimization Technology: • Leveraging our Decision Intelligence platform, paretos enables businesses to balance traditional supply chain considerations with ESG-related constraints. • Our platform utilizes state-of-the-art AI algorithms, machine learning models, and automated monitoring to provide optimal trade-off planning, supporting decision-making with Multi-Objective Optimization. Together with PwC’s proven transformation approach, we support organizations in integrating ESG factors seamlessly into their supply chain planning, ensuring transparency, visibility, and optimal decision-making. We are grateful to the team at PwC for their collaboration and expertise, especially Marisa Seth, Florian Sämann, and Johannes Splietorp, for their invaluable contributions to this project. ✨ Curious to learn more? Dive into the full article to see how we envision the future of sustainable supply chain management and how paretos can help your organization achieve its sustainability goals. #paretos #PwC #SupplyChainManagement #SupplyChain #SupplyChainInnovation #SupplyChainExcellence #SupplyChainAutomation #ESG #Sustainability

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    📬✨ Spotlight on: The first edition of our newsletter “AI Supply Chain Insights” is live! We're thrilled to share this first issue with you today. Dive in and discover an exclusive interview with Heiko Ziegeler, a leading expert in Supply Chain Management, AI, and Data Science. He shares valuable insights into digital transformation and provides practical tips for transitioning to modern, AI-driven supply chain practices. 🔍 We also present three studies and articles that highlight the latest developments in the AI landscape within the supply chain sector. You’ll learn how companies like Amazon and IKEA are making their supply chains more efficient and why a transparent, resilient supply chain is becoming increasingly important. 🌍 Additionally, our Data Science Guide offers helpful strategies for overcoming the challenges of time series forecasting. 📊 👉 Want to receive the next edition of AI Supply Chain Insights? Subscribe to the LinkedIn newsletter here and register on our website to receive it conveniently in your email inbox. 🌟 Do you have suggestions or exciting insights that we should include in the next issues? We look forward to your messages! ✉️ Note: The AI Supply Chain Insights newsletter is only available in German (for now). #SupplyChain #AI #DataScience #Newsletter #paretos

    🤖 Heiko Ziegeler im Interview, KI-Trends in der Supply Chain und Zeitreihenprognose meistern

    🤖 Heiko Ziegeler im Interview, KI-Trends in der Supply Chain und Zeitreihenprognose meistern

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    🌟 How is AI Revolutionizing the Supply Chain? Exciting Insights from our colleague Dr. Christoph Andersch! 🌟 Last week, our colleague Christoph attended the event “Is Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing the Supply Chain?” organized by BVL - Bundesvereinigung Logistik and PwC Germany in Stuttgart. The event was part of the “Ladies in Logistics” series and provided a fantastic platform for discussing the latest developments and challenges in AI-driven supply chain management. 🚀 Here are some of the key learnings Christoph brought back: 1️⃣ Strategic Importance of AI: The significance of AI for supply chain topics and long-term success is increasingly recognized. 2️⃣ Early Stages of Implementation: Many companies are still in the early stages of AI adoption. In many cases, Excel spreadsheets are still used for manual data consolidation and planning decisions. 3️⃣ Business AI vs. Generative AI: There needs to be more discussion about business AI applications – not just generative AI applications – and their successful implementation in the supply chain. 4️⃣ Long-term Success of AI: For AI to be successful in the long term, user acceptance, process adaptation, and ease of use of such solutions are crucial. We thank BVL - Bundesvereinigung Logistik (Martina Weihing, Torsten Mallée, Thomas Scherner, Katja Wiedemann) and PwC Deutschland (Eva Lenz, Anja Eilers, Thomas Schnur, Nele Steigerwald) for organizing and facilitating the great exchange at the event. At paretos, we are proud to be part of these important discussions and to bring our expertise in AI-driven supply chain optimization. Together, we are shaping the future of logistics! 🌍 #SupplyChain #AI #DecisionIntelligence #DataScience #Innovation #paretos

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  • Unternehmensseite von paretos anzeigen, Grafik

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    Curious for a behind-the-scenes look? 😎 Our co-founder Fabian reveals how paretos and HelloFresh revolutionized production planning with AI, reducing labor minutes per box by 18% and stock-outs by 50%. A huge thank you to the HelloFresh team for the trust and amazing collaboration! 🚀 #AI #ProductionPlanning #Collaboration #Innovation #paretos #HelloFresh

    Profil von Fabian Rang anzeigen, Grafik

    Co-Founder von paretos | Wir schlagen die Brücke zwischen Data Science und Behavioral Science und helfen Unternehmen, jederzeit die optimale Entscheidung zu treffen.

    Der Impact von KI entscheidet sich nicht am Rechner, sondern zwischen Drucker und Shopfloor. Das ist mein größtes Learning aus der Kooperation von paretos mit dem großartigen Team von HelloFresh. Die Mission von HelloFresh war klar: die Produktionsplanung zu optimieren und automatisieren. Dafür hat HelloFresh unsere KI-Plattform eingeführt. Als aber der erste ausgedruckte Produktionsplan im Shopfloor ankam, sagte der Schichtleiter, dass der Plan für ihn so nicht anwendbar war. Konkret fehlte ihm ein Constraint (Nebenbedingung), den er uns in seinen Worten beschrieben hat. Also wurden die Constraints im Produkt neu angepasst – und nach 5 Minuten lag da ein neuer Plan, der aus der Sicht aller Beteiligten auch in der Umsetzung super war. Und schwups, war auch das Vertrauen da! Genau dieses Vertrauen war der Schlüssel zum Erfolg auf dem Shopfloor. Mein Takeaway: Die besten Ergebnisse in der Theorie bringen 0,0, wenn sie nicht angewendet werden. Und damit ich dazu als Anwender:in bereit bin, brauche ich zwei Dinge: 1️⃣ Stringente Ergebnisse, die anwendbar sind und deren Impact ich sofort sehe 2️⃣ Das Gefühl, dass Änderungen leicht möglich sind, ohne zwei Wochen warten zu müssen, bis das Data Team mit einer neuen Lösung kommt Und das sehen wir auch am Ergebnis unserer Zusammenarbeit: 📉 Arbeitsminuten pro Box um 18 % reduziert
 📉 Stock-outs um 50 % gesenkt 
 👏 Besseres Arbeitsumfeld für die Planer 📈 Produktionspotenzial der Anlage um 10 % erhöht 
 👍 Höhere Kundenzufriedenheit und bessere Lebensmittelqualität Ein riesiges Dankeschön an das Team von HelloFresh für das Vertrauen und die großartige Zusammenarbeit, vor allem an Sven Steinsiek, Kaan Tan, Mariann Kosakowski, Maximilian Gorges und Steven Ender! Ich freue mich, mit euch weitere Potentiale entlang der Supply Chain zu heben 🚀

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  • Unternehmensseite von paretos anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌟 We’re thrilled to share that we’ve been featured in Handelsblatt on how AI startups are addressing supply chain challenges. The article discusses how AI can stabilize complex supply chains, a topic that’s increasingly important given recent global disruptions. At paretos, we’ve developed a software solution that enhances demand forecasts by up to 80%, allowing companies to reduce overproduction and better manage their raw material orders. This approach is particularly beneficial for industries like fashion, where demand fluctuations are common. Thank you to Larissa Holzki & Luisa Bomke and Handelsblatt for highlighting our efforts and those of other startups working to make supply chains more resilient. Read more about these innovative solutions here: #AI #SupplyChain #Innovation #DecisionIntelligence #paretos

    Künstliche Intelligenz: Diese Start-ups kitten Lücken in der Lieferkette

    Künstliche Intelligenz: Diese Start-ups kitten Lücken in der Lieferkette

  • Unternehmensseite von paretos anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌟 Event Alert: Ladies in #Logistics & AI. Looking forward to a great #SupplyChain Event hosted by BVL - Bundesvereinigung Logistik and PwC on June 11. Registration and more information below. Paretos CEO & Co-Founder Thorsten Heilig will be on stage to showcase how companies can and should leverage #DecisionIntelligence for more efficient and sustainable #SCM. #event #ceoinsights #supplychainmanagement #paretos

    Revolutioniert die künstliche Intelligenz die Supply Chain?

    Revolutioniert die künstliche Intelligenz die Supply Chain?

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