Wellness und Fitness

Berlin, Berlin 8.812 Follower:innen

Plattform für Mitarbeiterbindung & betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement


Über 600 Organisationen weltweit vertrauen der führenden Corporate Health & Wellbeing-Plattform von Humanoo, um die Gesundheit ihrer Mitarbeitenden zu unterstützen und zu verwalten. Die Plattform von HUMANOO ermöglicht es dir, Gesundheits- und Wohlbefindens-Initiativen zu verstehen, zu fördern und problemlos zu verwalten. Hierfür erhältst aggregierte und anonymisierte Einblicke in das Wohlbefinden deiner Mitarbeitenden. Der ganzheitliche Ansatz von HUMANOO in Bezug auf Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden gewährleistet, dass die Bedürfnisse verschiedenster Arbeitskräfte innerhalb einer einzigen Lösung erfüllt werden. Das Angebot für Mitarbeitende umfasst unter anderem: - Über 3000+ Video- und Audio-Coachings (Fitness, Yoga, Achtsamkeit, Schlaf, Ernährung) - 1-on-1-Coachings mit qualifizierten Expertinnen und Experten (z. B. Achtsamkeit, Ernährung) - 16+ Arten von Team- und Unternehmenschallenges (z. B. Schritte, Achtsamkeit) - Belohnungen für gesundheitsförderliche Aktivitäten (z. B. Cashback, Gutscheine, Spenden für Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte)

Wellness und Fitness
51–200 Beschäftigte
Berlin, Berlin
Workplace Wellbeing, Corporate Wellbeing, Employee Engagement, Workplace Health & Wellbeing, HR & Benefits, Preventative Health, Digital Healthcare, Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement, Digital Mental & Physical Health, Holistic Wellbeing Management, BGM, Platform for Organizational Health Management, Occupational Health Management und Wellbeing at Work



Beschäftigte von HUMANOO


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    Summer is here, and working in the office can be tough during this season. 🌞😔 We want to know the strategies you would implement to help employees manage their summer blues. Please share your thoughts and vote in our poll! #EmployeeWellbeing #SummerBlues #WorkplaceSupport #MentalHealthMatters #Poll

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  • Unternehmensseite von HUMANOO anzeigen, Grafik

    8.812 Follower:innen

    Unlock the secrets to boosting productivity and morale by fostering a culture of wellbeing. Discover how prioritizing employee health, with leadership involvement and flexible work options, can transform your business. Ready to elevate your workplace? 👉 #CorporateHealth #EmployeeWellbeing #Leadership #Productivity #MentalHealth #WorkLifeBalance #BusinessStrategy #EmployeeEngagement

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  • Unternehmensseite von HUMANOO anzeigen, Grafik

    8.812 Follower:innen

    Say goodbye to restlessness and mind chatter, and hello to peaceful slumber! Introducing our Soundscapes—a collection of immersive background audio designed to enhance your daily activities. Each soundscape is meticulously crafted to create an optimal atmosphere by blending soothing sounds and rhythms that help you focus, relax, and excel. ✨ Unseen Benefits: Our soundscapes are not just ambient noise but strategic tools that improve productivity and wellbeing. ✨ Expertise at Work: Created with the guidance of experts, each soundscape is tailored to maximize focus, reduce stress, and enhance overall performance. ✨ Versatility for Every Task: There's a soundscape for every activity and preference. Ready to transform your daily routine with the power of background sound? #Humanoo #Soundscapes #PeakPerformance #Productivity #MentalHealth #Wellbeing #FocusAid

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  • Unternehmensseite von HUMANOO anzeigen, Grafik

    8.812 Follower:innen

    As remote work becomes increasingly common, ensuring your home office is safe and supportive is crucial. Our latest article provides essential strategies to help remote workers thrive. It includes insights on leveraging digital well-being platforms to maintain health and productivity. For hybrid environments, we prioritize standardized safety protocols, regular training, vital mental health support, and open communication to ensure all employees feel connected and cared for. Take advantage of these invaluable tips to enhance your remote and hybrid work experience. 👉 #OccupationalSafety #RemoteWork #HybridWork #EmployeeWellbeing #DigitalWellness #Ergonomics #MentalHealth

    Occupational Safety for Remote and Hybrid Work Models

    Occupational Safety for Remote and Hybrid Work Models

  • Unternehmensseite von HUMANOO anzeigen, Grafik

    8.812 Follower:innen

    The importance of mental health in the workplace is now widely recognized. Both employers and employees understand that mental well-being is a personal issue and a collective responsibility that significantly affects productivity, safety, and the overall work environment. Integrating mental health into workplace practices is a necessity and a strategic move. By prioritizing mental health alongside traditional safety measures, you create an environment where employees feel supported, valued, and capable of performing at their best. This enhances individual well-being and drives overall efficiency and effectiveness, leading to a more productive and safer workplace. To accomplish this, you can implement the following critical policies: ➡️ Integrate physical and mental health: Integrate both aspects of employee well-being into workplace safety practices to ensure employee well-being. ➡️ Mental health support: Provide counseling, mental health days, and screenings to support employees. ➡️ Work-life balance: Promote flexible hours, remote work options, regular breaks, and stress management training for managers. ➡️ Training and education: Implement mandatory mental health and safety training, resilience workshops, and education on workplace mental health for all employees and management. ➡️ Inclusive workplace: Address harassment and bullying and provide training programs to promote respect and inclusivity. Remember, mental health in the workplace is not just a trend but a fundamental aspect of a healthy and productive work environment. #MentalHealth #WorkplaceWellbeing #EmployeeWellbeing #Productivity #InclusiveWorkplace

  • Unternehmensseite von HUMANOO anzeigen, Grafik

    8.812 Follower:innen

    As the summer heat increases, so do the mental health challenges in the workplace. The statistics are alarming. ➡️ A significant 55% of employees experience a heavy increase in their workload during the summer, which can create immense pressure to cover for colleagues on vacation and meet deadlines. ➡️ An overwhelming 61% of employees feel exhausted most days during the summer. The constant push to stay productive while managing personal commitments drains energy and spirit. ➡️ Over 50% of work-related illnesses result from mental health issues. 51% of long-term sick leave is due to stress, depression, or anxiety. These problems peak in summer as employees struggle to balance work and personal life pressures. We must not disregard these statistics. Summer is meant for rejuvenation and harmony, not exhaustion and pressure. It's time to implement flexible schedules, encourage time off, and create a supportive environment. Show your team that their mental health matters. We can collectively shift the balance and create a summer focused on wellbeing and efficiency. 🌞💪 #MentalHealth #WorkplaceWellbeing #SummerStress #EmployeeWellbeing #TimeForChange

  • Unternehmensseite von HUMANOO anzeigen, Grafik

    8.812 Follower:innen

    🇫🇷 Encourager les filles de 7 à 14 ans à bouger plus et à faire du sport, c'est le cœur du partenariat innovant entre l'Agence nationale du Sport, Made to Play (Nike Social & Community Impact) et l'agence Haigo lancé il y a un an. Ce projet vise à rendre l'activité physique et sportive accessible aux publics les plus éloignés, avec une attention particulière pour les jeunes filles qui, souvent, abandonnent le sport à l'adolescence et peinent à y revenir. Le sport est pourtant essentiel pour assurer à nos générations futures, une bonne santé. Chez Humanoo, nous sommes honorés d'avoir pu participer à cette initiative inspirante. Nous tenons à remercier chaleureusement tous ceux qui se sont investis dans ce projet. Ensemble, nous créons un futur plus actif et sain pour nos jeunes générations. #SportPourTous #JeunesseActive #Humanoo #Nike #AgenceDuSport #InnovationSportive 🇬🇧 🇫🇷 Encouraging girls aged 7 to 14 to get more active and take part in sports is at the heart of the innovative partnership between the French Agence nationale du Sport, Made to Play (Nike Social & Community Impact) and the Haigo agency launched a year ago. The project aims to make physical activity and sport accessible to the most remote sections of the population, focusing on young girls who often give up sports in their teens and struggle to get back into it. And yet, sport is essential to ensure good health for future generations. At Humanoo, we are honored to have been able to participate in this inspiring initiative. We'd like to extend our warmest thanks to everyone involved in this project. We are creating a more active and healthy future for our younger generations. #SportForAll #ActiveYouth #Humanoo #Nike #SportAgency #SportInnovation

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  • Unternehmensseite von HUMANOO anzeigen, Grafik

    8.812 Follower:innen

    As temperatures rise, it's crucial to prioritize occupational safety and employee wellbeing. Heat stress, dehydration, and UV exposure can significantly impact health and productivity. At Humanoo, we are committed to helping your team stay healthy, productive, and energized all summer. Humanoo provides personalized wellbeing programs, indoor fitness exercises, and sun safety tips customized to employees' needs. Our tools and resources also assist in stress management, ensuring your team's mental wellbeing. Let's prioritize wellbeing with Humanoo this summer and make it the healthiest season yet! #OccupationalSafety #EmployeeWellbeing #SummerHealth #Humanoo #WorkplaceWellbeing #StaySafe #StayHealthy #SummerSafety

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  • HUMANOO hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Philip Pogoretschnik anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO & Founder @HUMANOO 🥇 The leading platform for corporate health management in Europe // 💡 Digital Health Innovator

    🌟 WELCOME PORTUGAL 🌟 We are thrilled to announce that Grupo Ageas Portugal has chosen HUMANOO as their trusted partner, following a competitive global tender! 🎉🌍 At Humanoo, our mission is to empower individuals to lead healthier, happier lives through personalized health and wellness solutions. With Grupo Ageas Portugal now part of our journey, we are ready to make an even greater impact. 🚀 Securing this partnership through a global tender is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation. 🌟💡 Together, we will: 🔹 Elevate health and wellness initiatives 💪 🔹 Foster a proactive approach to healthcare 🏥 🔹 Inspire positive lifestyle changes 🌱 Welcome, Grupo Ageas Portugal! We are incredibly excited to embark on this journey with you. Together, we will achieve extraordinary milestones and create a healthier future for everyone. 🌈✨ A big thank you goes to the whole Ageas Team: Diogo & André & André & Marta and the entire Humanoo team who were instrumental in the rollout of the product.  Jessica & Miray & Marion & Eli Together, let's start a new era of wellbeing in Portugal! 🌈🧘♀️🌴 #Welcome #NewPartner #GlobalTender #HealthAndWellness #Insurance #Humanoo #GrupoAgeasPortugal #TogetherWeThrive 💫

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