HARIBO International

HARIBO International

Nahrungsmittel- und Getränkeherstellung

Grafschaft, Rheinland-Pfalz 29.681 Follower:innen

HARIBO macht Kinder froh und Erwachsene ebenso!


Als Fruchtgummi-Marke-Nr. 1 mit über 7.000 Mitarbeitern in 26 Ländern setzen wir auf höchste Qualität und den besonderen Teamspirit als HARIBO Family. Ein wertschätzendes Miteinander, Abwechslung sowie Jobsicherheit machen uns zum Top-Arbeitgeber. Weltweit leben unsere Mitarbeiter ihre Markenfreude und bringen HARIBO so jeden Tag weiter voran. Dabei unterstützen wir sie seit 1920 mit Vertrauen, Mut zum Pragmatismus und Fokus. Als Teil der HARIBO Family profitieren Sie von Freiräumen, Verantwortung und der Möglichkeit, mit unserer Weltmarke langfristig als Team zu wachsen. Knapp 100 Jahre Erfahrung auf dem Fruchtgummi-Markt und unsere ganz eigenen Erfolgsaromen ermöglichen Ihnen vielseitige und herausfordernde Aufgaben. Ein familiäres und trotzdem internationales Arbeitsumfeld schaffen die perfekte Mischung für ein breites Netzwerk und individuelle Weiterentwicklung. Lassen Sie uns zusammen auch zukünftig mit der Marke HARIBO Generationen begeistern– und machen Sie sich bereit für Ihren langfristigen Karrieregenuss. Profitieren Sie von unserem Erfolgsmix aus kindlicher Freude und Qualität – sorgen wir gemeinsam dafür, die Welt noch ein Stück bunter zu machen!

Nahrungsmittel- und Getränkeherstellung
5.001–10.000 Beschäftigte
Grafschaft, Rheinland-Pfalz
Fruchtgummi, Lakritz, Weingummi, Schaumprodukte und Kaubonbon


  • Primär

    Dr.-Hans-und-Paul-Riegel-Straße 1

    Grafschaft, Rheinland-Pfalz 53501, DE

  • 67, Boulevard Capitaine-Gèze

    Marseille, Provence 13014, FR

  • 26 Front Street

    Pontefract, England WF8 1NJ, GB

  • 9500 W Bryn Mawr Ave

    Chicago, Illinois 60018, US

  • Riethil 1, 4825 AP Breda, Niederlande

    Breda, Breda 4825, NL

  • Ctra. Girona-Banyoles, Km. 14, 17844 Cornellà del Terri, Girona, Spanien

    Girona, Girona 17844, ES

  • Adnan Kahveci Cad. No:21, 34555 Arnavutköy/İstanbul, Türkei

    Istanbul, Istanbul 34555, TR

  • Delta Park 44 DK - 2665 Vallensbæk Strand

    Kopenhagen, Kopenhagen 2665, DK

  • Av. José Fortunato Molina, 2-82-2-266 - Distrito Industrial Domingos Biancardi, Bauru - SP, 17034-310, Brasilien

    Bauru, Bauru 17034-310, BR


Beschäftigte von HARIBO International


  • Unternehmensseite von HARIBO International anzeigen, Grafik

    29.681 Follower:innen

    Congratulations to Haribo Turkey, who received two awards at last week's Brandverse Awards for its Goldbear Legendary Flavours campaign 🏆 Across our markets, HARIBO has fantastic creative and marketing teams who translate our mission - bringing moments of childlike happiness - into fun and engaging activity ⬇️

    Unternehmensseite von Haribo Turkey anzeigen, Grafik

    50.171 Follower:innen

    HARIBO olarak, Altın Ayıcık Efsane Tatlar kampanyamız ile ses getirmeye devam ediyoruz! 🚀🎉 Marketing Türkiye ve BoomSonar tarafından düzenlenen Brandverse Awards 2024’te, Altın Ayıcık Efsane Tatlar Kampanyası ile iki ödüle layık görüldük. Sosyal Medya ve Dijital kategorisinde “Online Offline Entegrasyonu” ve Medya kategorisinde “Yaratıcı CGI Uygulamaları” odağında iki Gümüş Ödül kazandık.😊 Bu başarıda emeği geçen başta Pazarlama ekibimize, destekleyici ortaklarımıza ve bizi ödüle layık gören değerli Brandverse Awards jürisine teşekkür ederiz. #HARIBOTürkiye #BrandverseAwards

  • Unternehmensseite von HARIBO International anzeigen, Grafik

    29.681 Follower:innen

    #DidYouKnow that the UK’s first secret election ballot was held in Pontefract, home of HARIBO UK and the upcoming Liquorice Festival? HARIBO UK is proud to be the headline sponsor of this year’s festival and with elections taking place across Europe, our colleagues have traced a special link between our traditional Liquorice product Pontefract Cakes and the UK’s first ever-secret ballot – find out more below ⬇️

    Unternehmensseite von HARIBO UK anzeigen, Grafik

    17.888 Follower:innen

    What does democracy taste like? LIQUORICE ⚫🍭 Ahead of the Pontefract Liquorice Festival this Sunday, we’re celebrating our town’s rich history: In case you missed it, the UK went to the polls last Thursday ❎ But do you know where the first secret ballot was held? In our home in Pontefract! In fact, the castle and owl stamped into our beloved Pontefract Cakes is a modern version of the stamp used to seal the first secret ballot in Pontefract in 1872! HARIBO UK was born in Yorkshire 100 years later, and we have been making our traditional Pontefract Cakes with the castle and owl stamp ever since. Come and join #TeamHARIBO and all of the other local businesses in Pontefract this Sunday to celebrate Yorkshire and everything liquorice in an event with fun for all! 👉 Read more about Pontefract's fascinating liquorice history by following the link below: https://lnkd.in/drWRqt5U #Community #Festival #heritage #Liquorice

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  • Unternehmensseite von HARIBO International anzeigen, Grafik

    29.681 Follower:innen

    It is great to see HARIBO The Netherlands and Belgium celebrate another "Pick Me Up Day" organised with the charity partner Stichting Opkikker, a fantastic foundation supporting children with long-term illness ⬇️

    Unternehmensseite von HARIBO The Netherlands and Belgium anzeigen, Grafik

    6.422 Follower:innen

    HARIBO en Stichting Opkikker: samen zorgen we voor childlike happiness! Op vrijdag 21 juni hebben HARIBO The Netherlands and Belgium en Stichting Opkikker weer een dag vol vrolijkheid georganiseerd voor kinderen met een langdurige ziekte. Al drie jaar ondersteunen wij deze fantastische stichting bij hun mooie missie. Dit jaar hebben onze toegewijde collega's opnieuw met veel plezier als vrijwilligers bijgedragen aan deze hartverwarmende dag. Van creatieve workshops tot avontuurlijke spelletjes, we zorgden ervoor dat gezinnen even konden ontsnappen aan de dagelijkse zorgen en volop konden genieten. Het was een dag gevuld met lachende gezichten en onvergetelijke momenten. Een speciale dank aan alle collega's die hun tijd en energie hebben gegeven om deze dag tot een succes te maken. Samen blijven we bouwen aan een wereld vol geluk en positiviteit. Wil jij ook een bijdrage leveren? Doe een donatie of meld je aan bij Stichting Opkikker om de handen uit de mouwen te steken, zo help je om nog meer kinderen te laten stralen! #ChildlikeHappiness #Opkikkerdag #SocialImpact 

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  • Unternehmensseite von HARIBO International anzeigen, Grafik

    29.681 Follower:innen

    We're so pleased to welcome HARIBO Hungary to LinkedIn 🎊 HARIBO Hungary has been an important part of the HARIBO global community since 2000. The team in Hungary consists of over 300 employees across different parts of the business, and almost 25% of the current team having worked for HARIBO for over 10 years.

    Unternehmensseite von HARIBO Hungary anzeigen, Grafik

    173 Follower:innen

    We are HARIBO Hungary HARIBO Hungary has been part of the international #HARIBO family since 2000. Our modern production and administration is in beautiful Nemesvámos near Veszprém and Lake Balaton. As of today, our more than 300 employees work with #focus and always put #quality first when it comes to produce our delicious gold bears for the joy of our customers. Almost 25 % of our team have been part of our HARIBO family for over 10 years and shared their experience and knowledge with us. In 2023, we received the #Superbrands Award for the 13th time in recognition of the excellent work of our employees! HARIBO is an #independent company and as an employer offers long-term as well as secure prospects. Our employees experience a great amount of #trust and responsibility. Moreover, we have a #pragmatic way to get things done - we walk the talk. We work hard, always improving ourselves and do our best, but most importantly we have fun at work and experience many moments of childlike #happiness! Happiness only grows if you share it, so it is our goal to bring joy to the world from Nemesvámos.

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  • Unternehmensseite von HARIBO International anzeigen, Grafik

    29.681 Follower:innen

    HARIBO thinks in generations, not years, and we are delivering work across the business to support our growing sustainability efforts. It has been great to see HARIBO The Netherlands and Belgium trial its new pallet system that implements a double-stack flow, which will enable cost savings per delivery while reducing overall CO2 emissions.

    Unternehmensseite von HARIBO The Netherlands and Belgium anzeigen, Grafik

    6.422 Follower:innen

    Door onze CO2 uitstoot jaar in jaar uit te verminderen, zorgen we als HARIBO The Netherlands and Belgium voor onze toekomst. Binnen onze supply chain afdeling is er afgelopen 1,5 jaar hard gewerkt om de beladingsgraad van de vrachten naar onze klanten te verbeteren. En.. met resultaat! Voor tal van producten hebben we samen met de HARIBO-fabrieken onze pallets weten te verhogen, wat tot nu toe al tot 100 vrachtwagenritten minder in onze keten heeft geleid. En het aantal artikelen waarbij we dit kunnen doen, zal alleen maar toenemen! Eén mooi recent voorbeeld hiervan willen we specifiek benoemen, want sinds een maand wordt voor een belangrijk deel van ons Chamallows-assortiment een double-stack stroom ingericht. Dat houdt in dat de maximale ruimte van de vrachtwagens wordt gebruikt door twee pallets op elkaar te stapelen, van productie tot aan levering bij de klant. Hierdoor zullen er jaarlijks nog eens ruim 100 vrachtwagenritten uit de keten verdwijnen. Wederom een sterk staaltje teamwork, want onze Nederlandse collega’s hebben dit samen met de collega’s in de fabriek in België van een idee tot succesvolle implementatie gebracht!   Dit hele project zou ook niet mogelijk zijn geweest zonder onze partner Van Rooijen Logistiek. Naast hun activiteiten als onze vaste transporteur, zijn we voor dit project ook hun magazijnsdiensten gaan gebruiken. Deze geïntensiveerde samenwerking gaan we verder uitbreiden, maar daarover later meer! #HARIBO #doublestack #samenwerking #transport #logistiek

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  • Unternehmensseite von HARIBO International anzeigen, Grafik

    29.681 Follower:innen

    Our sweets are about creating small moments of joy in our daily lives, and that’s just what our adverts do too.  The Kids’ Voices campaign is the perfect personification of our HARIBO brand: it is fun and playful – or as we say in Germany, spitzbuebisch. They’re also universal – just like happiness! Reminiscing on ten years of our iconic commercials, HARIBO’s Herwig Vennekens and Quiet Storm’s Trevor Robinson OBE go behind-the-scenes and reveal the secret ingredients for our sweet success. Whether you’re a farmer, sumo wrestler, football player or police officer, you can always share the joy that comes from opening a bag of your favourite HARIBO sweets 🍬

  • Unternehmensseite von HARIBO International anzeigen, Grafik

    29.681 Follower:innen

    New German plant marks global milestone for MAOAM and HARIBO We have announced our plans to open a new, state-of-the-art factory in Neuss, Germany. HARIBO is investing over €300 million into this new building, creating 100 new jobs. This demonstrates our commitment to our historic home in Germany, while also connecting Germany to the world in meeting global demand for our products. The plant will also lead our company into a climate-friendly future, with new renewable energy, fewer emissions, shorter transportation routes and a reduced carbon footprint.

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  • Unternehmensseite von HARIBO International anzeigen, Grafik

    29.681 Follower:innen

    At HARIBO, our sweets are made for sharing and celebrating happiness together, which is why we are proud that our products are enjoyed by so many around the world, including by our employees 🍬 Our colleagues in HARIBO of America, Inc. have shared some of their favourites - comment yours below!

  • Unternehmensseite von HARIBO International anzeigen, Grafik

    29.681 Follower:innen

    Congratulations to the HARIBO UK team for completing their first fundraising challenge of THE BUILD campaign, supporting the important work of Martin House Children's Hospice in Yorkshire ⬇️

    Unternehmensseite von HARIBO UK anzeigen, Grafik

    17.888 Follower:innen

    📣The BIG Zip is finally heeeeere… The first fundraising challenge that will support THE BUILD is now open, and #TeamHARIBO has already taken on the 240-meter zip in support of our local charity partner Martin House Children's Hospice ! Over this weekend, you can drop into Yorkshire’s Xscape and join in on the fun by visiting the #martinhousechildrenshospice and #HARIBO Pop-up shop to show your support. All funds raised will go towards The BUILD, the hospice’s biggest ever transformation project, to allow the charity to continue to provide best in class service to those most in need. It was great to see our team push their limits to raise money for this important organisation which shares our commitment to create moments of happiness to local children with life limiting illnesses – a cause close to our hearts. 👏🏻👏🏻Well done to all our colleagues who took part! So come and join us this weekend to #backthebuild and take a leap of faith!   To find out more, please visit: https://lnkd.in/eQhVdvNj   #localcharity #fundraisingevent #TheBiGZip

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