

Technologie, Information und Internet

Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia 2.375 Follower:innen

Wir begeistern für nachhaltige Mobililtät.⚡🚗🔌


elvah führt in der europäischen E-Mobilitätsbranche und setzt Maßstäbe mit B2B2C SaaS-Lösungen. Unsere Lade-Platform setzt den Standard für Zuverlässigkeit und Nutzerzentrierung in der Branche. In Zukunft öffnen wir unsere Expertise und unsere Services auch für ambitionierte Unternehmen, deren Ziel es ist, ihren Kunden ein herausragendes Ladeerlebnis zu bieten. Unser Ziel ist klar: Wir treiben die Energiewende in Europa mit nachhaltigen, kundenorientierten Lösungen voran.

Technologie, Information und Internet
11–50 Beschäftigte
Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Elektromobilität, Software as a Service und Electromobility


Beschäftigte von elvah


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    Please join us in welcoming Robert, our new Head of Product, who started on July 1st. 🌟 Based in Hamburg, Robert brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to our team. His expertise will be instrumental in driving innovation and excellence in our product offerings. We're excited to see the impact he'll make as we continue to grow and succeed together. Welcome to the Team, Robert! 🚀 #Welcome #NewTeamMember #RemoteWork #TeamUpdate

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    Profil von Jennifer Schmitz anzeigen, Grafik

    Senior Marketing Manager B2B @ elvah 🚀 ich begeistere mich und andere für Elektromobilität⚡🚗

    Mehr als 2000 km mit dem Elektroauto durch Südengland & Cornwall! 🚗🔋 Vor unserer Tour fragten unsere Nachbarn: „Macht ihr das mit dem Elektroauto? Das geht?“ Und wie das geht! Wir haben hauptsächlich an Superchargern geladen und hatten den Vorteil, dass an unserer Unterkunft in Cornwall 32A Wallboxen (kostenlos!) zur Verfügung standen. Die Ladeinfrastruktur war gefühlt etwas dünner als in Deutschland, besonders in Cornwall. Auch wenn der nächste Supercharger nur 10 Minuten von unserer Unterkunft entfernt war, war es in der Nähe die einzige (Schnell-)Lademöglichkeit. Entsprechend wenige Elektroautos haben wir auf den Straßen gesehen. Schnell-Ladestationen fanden sich meist an Tankstellen oder Rastplätzen. Das Ad-hoc-Laden via Kreditkarte (kontaktlos) lief einwandfrei, war aber mit 79p pro kWh nicht gerade günstig. 🔌 Wir haben uns vorher informiert, wie die Ladeinfrastruktur aussieht und wo wir laden können, also gab es hier keine Überraschungen. Trotz der etwas dünneren Infrastruktur hatten wir zu keiner Zeit Reichweitenangst oder Probleme, eine Lademöglichkeit zu finden. Hinzu kommt, dass man durch die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung von max. 113 km/h auf Autobahnen und Fernstraßen sowie die häufig einspurigen Straßen in Cornwall (bei denen man dann naturgemäß sehr langsam fahren muss) sehr sparsam unterwegs ist. 🐌 Mit dem Model 3 haben wir durchschnittlich nur ca. 15 kWh/100 km (inkl. Ladeverluste) verbraucht. 🔋 Wie sind eure Erfahrungen mit langen Urlaubsfahrten und Rundreisen? In welchen Ländern wurdet ihr besonders von der Ladeinfrastruktur überrascht? #Elektroauto #EV #Elektromobilität #Urlaub #Electromobility #Cornwall #Reiseabenteuer #Tesla #Ladeinfrastruktur #Supercharger #Reiseerfahrungen #Reichweitenangst

    • collage of a sea view in cornwall, a Google maps screenshot of our southengland and cornwall itinerary and a fast charger in england
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    Profil von Nina Ruddeck anzeigen, Grafik

    People & Culture @ elvah | Enthusiastic about culture and building people-centered organizations | Driving sustainable mobility with elvah 💚

    How is your People & Culture team structured? 🚧 The question of the best team structure is a constant topic in any organization. At elvah, we continuously adjust our internal and cross-team structures to meet the needs of our changing environment, priorities, and our (slowly but steadily) growing team. Our People & Culture team has grown to a cozy number of three people, which has required a bit more structure than we used to have. Today, I would like to tell you about the route we decided on, and I would love to hear your feedback and any suggestions you might have. What did we plan to achieve with the new setup? 🎯 - Purpose-driven: Enable us to follow our team purpose: “Develop a unique people experience and outstanding culture while supporting our individual and team growth with lean and innovative solutions to our people challenges.” - Scalability: Make it easy to grow our team and move topics flexibly. - Focus: Increase efficiency and avoid double work, ensuring everyone is included only when their involvement adds value. - Collaboration: Work closely together on bigger projects across the entire team and gather each other’s feedback. To meet these goals, we came up with the following three roles (with the possibility for team members to have more than one role) 🎓 - People Partnering: Creating an environment in which everyone makes their best contribution. - Talent Acquisition: Growing our team with the best-fitting people and ensuring an outstanding candidate experience. - Domain Ownership: Owning and developing a specific domain within People & Culture. But what are domains? 🗂 The domains we identified within our function are: Admin, Compensation & Benefits, Compliance, DEI, Employer Branding, Growth & Development, On- & Offboarding, and People Analytics. For each domain, we have one Domain Owner who is primarily responsible for further developing that area. Whenever we receive a request or have an idea related to one of the domains, we discuss it directly with the Domain Owner, who then decides the next steps. Since it’s important for us—especially being a small team—to develop our function together and work in a generalist manner, we can move domains between each other flexibly. This also allows us to adapt if priorities change or if someone's workload becomes too high. We have been working with this new structure for a few weeks now and, so far, it has been meeting a lot of our challenges really well. What do you think? I would love to hear about your experiences in building a solid team structure 🙏🏻 #peopleandculture #OrganizationalStructure #EmployeeExperience #PeopleStrategy

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  • Unternehmensseite von elvah anzeigen, Grafik

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    Germany has set a new record - in EV production. 🥳 ⁠ Contrary to the low expectations in the EV sector, the CATI (Chemnitz Automotive Institute) predicted that the number of fully electric vehicles produced in Germany would increase by 75% to one million EVs. ⁠ ⁠ A conclusion could be drawn at the beginning of May 2024. At this time, the Federal Statistical Office announced the actual production figures. These amounted to 973,000 EVs produced, almost completely confirming CATI's forecast. ⁠ ⁠ The results of the Federal Statistical Office and CATI's analyses provide valuable insights into the dynamics of the German market for EVs. They show that production has been maintained at a high level despite difficult conditions. However, they also point to challenges that need to be addressed in the coming years in order to ensure a balance between production and demand. ⚖️⁠ #elvah #EV #EMobility #EnergyTransition #SustainableFuture #record

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    Excited about contributing to the energy transition? So are we! Join our team and help us redefine the charging ecosystem, accelerating the energy transition in the process.⚡ We are currently looking for an Application Manager (open to all genders) who will: - Oversee the application operations of our various software products to ensure the highest quality and performance. -Provide technical support and troubleshoot escalated issues from our Customer Care team and B2B clients. -Collaborate closely with our development and infrastructure teams and act as the key contact for external and internal stakeholders. -Identify and resolve problems across all layers of the tech stack, escalating software bugs and performance issues when necessary. Our company culture sets us apart: -We are a remote-first company, allowing you to work from anywhere in Europe. -We meet in person once a quarter to work and spend time together. -We celebrate diversity and base our work on respect. -We trust each other’s expertise and believe in ownership. -Our work aims to positively impact society. -We believe that balancing work and personal life is fundamental for well-being. What we offer: -Full-time position. -30+2 vacation days. -Flexible working hours (for real!) and a “0 over hours policy”. -State-of-the-art hardware and a subsidy for further home office equipment. Does the position and elvah sound interesting to you? Don't hesitate to apply, even if you don’t feel like you perfectly match the role description. We value diverse perspectives and believe that unique experiences enrich our team. 🤝 You can find more information about the role and our application process here: https://lnkd.in/epr_ncv7 We look forward to hearing from you!💚 #JoinUs #emobility #EnergyTransition #hiring

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  • Unternehmensseite von elvah anzeigen, Grafik

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    Reflecting on Our Company Days at the North Sea! ✨🌊 From June 17th to 19th, we gathered in the beautiful Sankt Peter Ording. Blessed with sunny weather, we enjoyed walks on the windy beach and a refreshing change of scenery. This time, our focus was on fostering a healthy feedback culture—learning how to give and receive feedback effectively, which is vital for upholding our values of respect and fairness. Beyond our sessions, we spent our free time enjoying delicious food, playing games, and having conversations about everything and nothing. While remote work has its perks, there's nothing quite like the joy of seeing each other in person. It was a fantastic experience that strengthened our bonds and fueled our collective spirit. Here's to more sunny days and meaningful connections! 🌞🏖️ #CompanyCulture #TeamBuilding #FeedbackMatters #RemoteWork #SanktPeterOrding

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  • Unternehmensseite von elvah anzeigen, Grafik

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    What does Vehicle to Everything mean? 🔌 The V2X, or Vehicle to Everything, method means that an electric vehicle can release its charged electricity via different paths using bidirectional charging. This means that charging works in two directions, which is made possible by converting alternating current to direct current and vice versa, since electric cars only run on direct current. That is the case for all bidirectional charging methods except for V2V charging. But what methods of bidirectional charging are there? ⚡ V2G = Vehicle to Grid: In this process, the electric car is used to feed the electricity back into the public power grid and can thus help to ensure a more sustainable power supply. This is done by charging the car when the electricity comes from renewable sources and releasing it into the grid when the electricity comes from non-sustainable sources. it is important to know that this is only possible by connecting the car to a V2G-capable wallbox. V2H = Vehicle to Home: The electric car connected to the home wallbox can feed the charged electricity into the in-house power grid. Again, as already mentioned for the V2G method, this procedure is only possible if the car is connected to a V2H-capable wallbox. V2D = Vehicle to Device / V2L = Vehicle to Load: With this method it is possible to operate or charge an electrical device using the electricity from the electric car. These can be, for example, laptops, coffee machines, cell phones, etc. A Schuko socket integrated into the vehicle is required for this procedure. Another important fact to know is that V2L cannot be used to feed electricity back into the grid. V2V = Vehicle to Vehicle: This is the only bidirectional charging method that does not have to convert the electricity, as the electricity flows from one electric car to another and both are operated with direct current. V2B = Vehicle to Building: Similar to the V2H method, the electricity is fed into a domestic power network, but the difference to V2H is that with V2B the electricity is fed into the network of an entire building, not just your own home. Here again, this only works with a V2B-capable wallbox. In summary, it can be said that all methods mentioned above serve the purpose of temporarily storing electricity in electric cars for reuse at a later point in time. This means that electric cars can be used as versatile energy storage devices, which is a very important puzzle piece on the way to a more sustainable future. That's why we as elvah believe that V2X must become faster and easier to use for electric car drivers, as these technologies are still in their early stages for actual use by end customers. What is your opinion on this, let us know in the comments. 💬 #EMobility #BidirectionalCharging #sustainability #EnergyTransition

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    Profil von Nina Ruddeck anzeigen, Grafik

    People & Culture @ elvah | Enthusiastic about culture and building people-centered organizations | Driving sustainable mobility with elvah 💚

    📽 Learnings from creating our first official Employer Branding video. After six months of work, we were finally able to publish our brand-new #employerbranding video three weeks ago and I could not be prouder of it. This has been one of my favorite projects of all time, thanks for making it so much fun, Carolina Bevacqua and Matthias Schwill! I would like to give you a few insights into how we approached the project and what we learned along the way: ⭐ Why would you need this? Financially, it’s an investment, so most - especially smaller companies - will not decide on such a big project lightly. However, to us, it was clear that if we can only spend money on one project to represent us as a company and employer, it should be this. With videos, it’s just 100x easier to convey a feeling to an audience compared to texts and images. 💎 What has been important to us? We watched so many videos of other companies in preparation and, to be honest, 95% of them looked completely interchangeable to us. Therefore, trying to achieve an authentic image of our team was the most important thing for us. People should be able to feel our culture when they watch the video and - at least for us - this was achieved completely. 🎓 Which learnings did we make throughout the process? 1️⃣ Find an agency you trust: We decided on the agency Leuchtturm Entertainment. They are a young team around Jona W. and Puyan M. 🎬 who have been recommended to us. They had not worked on a video before that looked similar to what we had in mind but we just had such a positive gut feeling with them because they really understood what we were aiming for and did not present a one-fits-all solution to us. Other agencies that worked on these kinds of videos for years didn’t give us the feeling that they are seeing our individuality compared to other projects. On top of that, it was so hard for us to imagine how the final product might look like that automatically, a high level of trust in an agency is essential. This was one of the best decisions because the team truly did an amazing job! 2️⃣ Stay flexible: Plans change, people get sick, and opportunities arise throughout the day. Some of the best moments of the video had not been planned but arose spontaneously. Very thankful that Jona and Puyan had such an eye for these moments! 3️⃣ Take care of the legal stuff early on: Especially the legal rights topics around the video prolonged the process for quite a few weeks as we needed so many contracts regarding the locations we filmed at or the old pictures we used in it. I would recommend making this topic one of the priorities when starting with the production to not let it be the stopper of the publishing date. I would love to hear your feedback on the video if you have any for us. You can find the link in the first comment!

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    At elvah we embrace a culture built on respect. We support each other every step of the way and celebrate our individuality and diversity. As a team, we are committed to leveraging our collective strengths to their fullest potential. In practice, this means: Encouraging open and honest communication, where everyone's voice is heard. Celebrating diverse backgrounds and perspectives, which drive innovation and creativity. Offering mentorship and professional development opportunities to help each team member grow. Fostering a supportive environment where colleagues readily lend a helping hand. Providing flexible work arrangements to accommodate individual needs and promote work-life balance. We believe that a respectful and supportive environment empowers everyone to thrive. If you’re looking for a place where your unique talents are valued and your growth is nurtured, elvah might be the perfect fit for you. Join us and be a part of a team that truly values what makes you, you. 🌟 #CompanyCulture #TeamValues #Respect #Diversity #Support

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    Profil von Franziska Kind anzeigen, Grafik

    Senior People & Culture Manager @ elvah 💚 || I'm enthusiastic about optimizing People & Culture processes to make them shine!✨

    Keeping an Eye on Health Trends: Insights from Germany's Sickness Rates 📈🤒🇩🇪 According to a press release from Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), sickness-related absences among employees insured with TK increased last year, and therefore reached a new high. In 2023, every working person insured with TK was on sick leave for an average of 19.4 days. As in the previous year, the main reason of sick leave was due to colds such as flu, bronchitis or influenza. They are responsible for more than a quarter of days of absence. The second most common reason for sick leave is mental illness with an average of 3.6 days per employee, followed by physical complaints, such as back pain with 2.8 days of absence. Understanding these patterns underscores the importance of proactive health measures. Now more than ever, promoting a culture of wellbeing in the workplace is essential. From flexible work arrangements to robust health initiatives, there's a spectrum of strategies to explore in safeguarding employee health. 🌟 Let's continue to monitor these trends closely and prioritize the health and wellbeing of our teams. 💼🌱 #HealthTrends #EmployeeWellness #WorkplaceHealth

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