

Herstellung von Haushalts-, Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten

Technology at heart, future in mind.


Sensirion ist einer der international führenden Hersteller von Umwelt- und Durchflusssensoren. Das 1998 gegründete Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Stäfa (Schweiz) beschäftigt heute weltweit über 700 Mitarbeitende – unter anderem in den USA, Südkorea, Japan, China, Taiwan und Deutschland. Unsere Sensoren werden weltweit millionenfach eingesetzt und kommen in der Automobilindustrie, der Medizintechnik, der Gebäudetechnologie, bei Industrieprozessen und in Konsumgütern zur Anwendung und tragen zur stetigen Verbesserung von Gesundheit, Komfort und Energieeffizienz bei. Zu den Alleinstellungsmerkmalen der Sensirion-Produkte gehört die patentierten CMOSens®-Technologie, welche eine intelligente Systemintegration von Sensorelement, Logik, Kalibrierungsdaten und einer digitalen Schnittstelle auf einem einzigen Chip ermöglicht. Der Erfolg von Sensirion ist vor allem dem unaufhörlichen Engagement, dem Ideenreichtum und dem Können unserer Mitarbeitenden zu verdanken, die tagtäglich Aussergewöhnliches leisten. Gemeinsam möchten wir etwas bewegen und mit unseren Technologien die Grundlagen für eine smartere Zukunft schaffen. Sensirion steht für Innovation, Hightech und Spitzenleistungen. Indem wir immer wieder Neues auszuprobieren, in neue Bereiche vorstossen und der Zeit einen Schritt voraus sind, treiben wir durch neue Standards die Sensorikbranche kontinuierlich voran.

Herstellung von Haushalts-, Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Humidity Sensors, Gas Meter Modules, Differential Pressure Sensors, Liquid Flow Sensors, Gas Sensors, Environmental Sensing, Indoor Air Quality, Temperature Sensors, Mass Flow Meters, Flow Sensors, Smart Sensor Solutions, Automotive, Industrial, Medical, Consumer, Sensor, AiSight, Qmicro, Innovation und Methane emissions monitoring


Beschäftigte von Sensirion


  • Unternehmensseite von Sensirion anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎉 Congratulations to our four amazing apprentices who have successfully completed their training at Sensirion! Your dedication, hard work, and passion have truly paid off, and we are incredibly proud of your achievements. As you step into the next phase of your professional journey, we are confident that you will continue to excel and make significant contributions to the industry. At Sensirion, we are committed to nurturing young talent and providing them with the skills and experience they need to thrive in the workplace. We believe in empowering the next generation and are honored to have been a part of your career development. Here’s to your bright futures! 🌟 #Sensirion #apprenticeship #congratulations #careerdevelopment #youngprofessionals

  • Unternehmensseite von Sensirion anzeigen, Grafik

    31.845 Follower:innen

    Hello from Sensirion Shanghai! 🌟 We recently celebrated our first Family Day, marking seven successful years since our establishment in 2017. The event was a wonderful opportunity to bring our families together under the theme: Technology, Environment, Going Green, and Fun! We had engaging sensor lectures, a demo of a humidity-sensitive self-watering system, and a vibrant flea market promoting sustainability. The kids enjoyed fun firefighting experiments and ESD safety lessons, while our family members toured the facilities and participated in creative projects like making paper cup photo frames and green plant landscaping. To beat the 38° heat, we provided a variety of snacks and drinks, including popcorn, sugar-coated haws, ice cream, and much more. Thank you to everyone who joined us and made the day so special. We are grateful for the support of our employees and their families. Swipe through the pictures to see all the excitement of this day! 📸 #SensirionFamilyDay #TechnologyAndFun #FamilyFirst #SensirionChina

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  • Unternehmensseite von Sensirion anzeigen, Grafik

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    Proven technology, certified for the future A comprehensive report on the ageing of industrial gas meters (G25) confirms the exceptional in-field reliability of our thermal-mass technology. The report details the results of a thorough statistical analysis conducted on a substantial dataset collected during the periodic verification of static meters used in industrial settings. This analysis aimed to evaluate the long-term performance of these meters. The findings are impressive: eight years after initial installation, the majority of the meters (approximately 97%) remained within the in-service accuracy limits (2 MPE), and a significant proportion (over 80%) even met the stricter pre-test verification limits (1 MPE). Furthermore, most non-compliant meters were found to have issues unrelated to metrology, rendering them non-verifiable. The evidence strongly supports that our thermal-mass technology is virtually unaffected by prolonged operational periods. This report corroborates the established performance of static measurement technologies, as extensively documented in technical literature. Read the complete report: #thermalmass #gasmeter #gasmetering #metering #energytransition

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  • Unternehmensseite von Sensirion anzeigen, Grafik

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    What critical measures must be taken to ensure the safe transport of pharmaceuticals? 💊🚚 Vaccines and pharmaceuticals are typically sensitive to exposure of temperature variations as well as shock, tilt, vibrations and light. They require a steady and controlled temperature environment throughout the entire supply chain. Temperature trackers with sensors that are placed together with the cargo during transportation can be used for monitoring an excursion event of a time temperature sensitive pharmaceutical product (TTSPP) cargo in various modes of transport including air shipments. Explore the slides to learn more! ⬇️ Check out this link for more information: #coldchain #monitoring #pharmaceuticals #sensors

  • Unternehmensseite von Sensirion anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are excited to launch our new series, "Dialogue with Sensirion-Makers," 🚀 where we highlight the innovative journeys of passionate makers. Our first feature is Yang, who has dedicated 8 years to environmental monitoring and a decade to his love for maker projects. Inspired by everyday life, Yang has developed solutions like the "Car Environment Guard" to ensure air quality. His journey underscores the importance of curiosity and hands-on innovation. Using Sensirion sensors, Yang’s projects stand out for their compact size, high sensitivity, and reliable performance. 🛠️ Join us in celebrating Yang's incredible story and his contributions to the maker community. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories in our "Dialogue with Sensirion-Makers" series! 🔗 Learn more (CN): #SensiMakers #innovation #electronics #airquality #Sensirion

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  • Unternehmensseite von Sensirion anzeigen, Grafik

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    Did you miss our live webinar on battery electric vehicle safety? 🔋No worries, we recorded it for you! Access our on-demand webinar to learn more about how an internal short circuit fault caused by manufacturing defects impacts EV battery safety (ISO 6469) and how gas sensors can reliably and robustly detect single-cell venting events to detect the imminent risk of thermal runaway measurements. Watch now: #webinar #thermalrunaway #batteryelectricvehicle #BMS #technology #sensors #Sensirion

  • Unternehmensseite von Sensirion anzeigen, Grafik

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    In the transformation toward more outpatient and home-based care, subcutaneous drug delivery, using large-volume injectors (LVIs), has been a key facilitator. A crucial component of their reliable performance is the use of miniature liquid flow sensors. Our latest specialist article takes an in-depth look at this growing area and discusses: 1️⃣ The shift from intravenous to subcutaneous drug delivery 2️⃣ The architecture of LVIs and common malfunctions 3️⃣ The role of liquid flow sensors in enhancing LVI performance 4️⃣ Our new SLD3x liquid flow sensor platform 5️⃣ Examples of sensor performance 6️⃣ Considerations for integrating liquid flow sensors into your design Stay ahead in the industry and ensure your devices deliver optimal performance and reliability. Read the full article here 👉 #healthcare #homecare #medicaldevices #technology #sensor #Sensirion

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  • Unternehmensseite von Sensirion anzeigen, Grafik

    31.845 Follower:innen

    How can we ensure a safe workplace? Detect invisible dust easily with Dustlight! Dustlight is a dust measuring device designed to safeguard workers from dust exposure in industrial and craft workplaces. Equipped with the cutting-edge SEN5x sensor series, it sets new standards in air quality monitoring, ensuring worker health and safety. Thanks to the close collaboration between Dustlight and GLYN GmbH & Co. KG, optimal support through know-how, efficient processes and resource allocation was possible. Let's create safer work environments! 💚💛❤️ Read more: #airquality #airpollution #workplacesafety #sensors #Sensirion

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